New Friends and Enemies?

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Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter the amazing J. K. Rowling does.

Lily POV:

"I told you Malfoy was weak," I heard James whisper to Sirius.

"Hey Lily," Sirius called out waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hmm," I snapped back into reality, "what is it Sirius?"

"What are you staring at?" James asked.

Instead of answering I just pointed at Remus talking to two other professors from Salems.

As if sensing our stares the three other professors came over.

"Remus please introduce us to your frie-" one of them began.

"Morgana they're not my friends anymore not after how they treated Harry," Remus said coldly.

"Well then I am Professor Swans," the witch now identified as Morgana said holding out her hand and I shook it.

"A pleasure to meet you I am Lily Potter," I said and she drew her hand back quickly.

"Well I'm James and this is Sirius," James spoke up and held out his hand but Morgana didn't shake it nor did the other wizard.

"I'm Charles Johnson," Charles said curtly, "now if you don't mind I have to check on Misaki to see if her fever has died down yet."

"A fever?" I asked.

"Yes apparently Mr. Ronald Weasley had scared her while she was showing Ms. Granger a small handstand on her broom. When he shouted out of the blue it caused her to lose her balance and fall into the lake," Remus answered me while his eyes drifted over the crowd in front of us.

"Remus I have a bad feeling about something," Morgana said as she looked around.

"You're right I feel it to lets go," Remus said before walking in the direction of the platform where Draco Malfoy had been beaten in a duel.

Throwing a quick glance at James and Sirius I followed the duo as the weaved through the crowd like snakes through a field of grass towards their target. As I drew closer I saw that Harry and that girl who I assume is Misaki walk make their way to where Charles was standing with his arms crossed but smiling while Draco and his friend Blaise pulled their wands out of their pockets. Aiming their wands Harry and Misaki they fired a stinging jinx but before I could say anything both Salems students turned around and deflected the spell back at the Slytherins.

"Always be prepared for an attack from friend or foe-," Harry started.

"-No matter what the cost keep your guard up-," Misaki continued.

"-And you shall prevail over your enemies leaving them in the dust," the whole school chanted along with Harry and Misaki before they headed back to their activities or in Misaki's case going back to the ship.

"What was that?" I whispered to myself before turning to check on the two Slytherins only to see Snape muttering a counter curse.

"How dare you ashame the Slytherin house," I heard Snape snap at his house, "why didn't you stick up to your house mates?"

Remus POV:

'I knew you can handle that little prat,' I thought as I shook my head at how two fourteen year old could stir the whole school into saying the chant like that.

"Very impressive young Harry would become a great leader in the future won't he?" Headmistress Uchinha said as she watched the students carry on with their routine while the Gryffindors tried to copy them, Ravenclaws noted down what they saw, Hufflepuffs encouraging each other to try it with them and the Slytherins sneered in disgust.

Salems School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry For The ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora