Hang in there

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Hey I know everyone is waiting for a new chapter, and there will be a new chapter soon.

First off, the flu season this time around was harsh and I hope that you are all healthy and haven't caught the virus just yet (and hopefully never will). For those of you who have I hop you get well soon. I also would like to send out my condolences to those who have or know someone who lost someone to this virus.

Like many students, I have the usual school life stress and both of my parents have a form of the flu since last week (my mom has a relapse) which means I have to be helping out more than already do. Hopefully I don't get sick either.

So take care of yourselves. (I care about all of my readers/followers health too!) \(^.^)/

Salems School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry For The ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora