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Dark: * I sit blushing like anti watching the movie*

Anti: uhhhhh

Dark: yes anti * I question not looking away from the TV my face a only slight pink*

Anti: I'm sorry dark I......

Dark: don't worry about it * we sit quietly watching the movie*

Anti: * I try to get rid of the embarrassment by scooting closer to dark but he doesn't see me so I move closer and closer until I'm directly beside him and I lay my head on his shoulder*

Dark: * I try not to aww as anti lays his head on my shoulder so I just pick him up and set him in my lap cuddling him*

Anti: * I was scared when dark picked me up and put me in his lap I thought I was in trouble until he began cuddling me so I leaned back so his head was nuzzled into my neck* awww

Dark: ohh shut up you love it just as much as me.

Anti: of course darky * I snuggled up to him*

I'm so sorry for my long absence I plan to makeup for not updating I hope you all understand I love you guys BUH  BYE!!

who's your daddy ( Darkiplier x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now