Small Arguments

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Anti: * I had been snuggling dark for a few hours now as our 1 movie turned into a marathon and at this point I was convinced he was asleep* dark * I whisper quietly *

Dark: * I shift in my sleep a little my arms still wrapped around anti*

Anti: called it * I whisper quietly again , I look over at my phone and notice its already after 12 so I very carefully get up and grab a blanket and cover dark up heading to the room I was staying in and quickly falling asleep*

Dark: * I felt him cover me and and leave and I was to tired to reach out and make him stay so I shuffle myself deeper into the comfortable couch falling back into a deep sleep*

* the next morning *

Anti: * i start stretching myself out waking up slowly unprepared for the light pouring into the room * mmmm * i look over at my phone seeing it was well after 3 in the afternoon and i sit up quickly * Damn it * I walk downstairs to try and find dark only to see him still asleep on the couch *

Dark: * is still very much passed out hanging half off the couch snoring quite loudly *

Anti: * I smile a little before shaking him a bit* hey dark wake up, its after 3 in the afternoon we really overslept.

Dark: * I bolt up* huh? * i look dazed and confused * we did what?

Anti: we really overslept is well after 3 In the afternoon,  no more late night movies.

Dark: * still half asleep * I'll stay up late and watch movies if I want to.

Anti: then I must sadly inform you that you'll be doing that by yourself from now on.

Dark: what's that suppose to mean?

Anti: means I'm not staying up for hours on end to watch movies I'm ultimately gonna fall asleep to genius.

Dark: nope dont be a hoe you're gonna watch movies with me regardless and you know you are so get over yourself sir , we dont have bedtimes anyway. * I cross my arms determined to win this argument *

Anti: I hate to break this to you big chief but regardless of bedtime or not i still need sleep * i raise an eyebrow challenging him*

Dark: * i stand up quickly and I'm soon in front of him* if you wanna play this game then i suppose you're ok with no more kisses * I say raising my brow knowing I've won*

Anti: * I'm slightly taken aback but I know how to knock him down a peg ( no pun intended) * oh yeah? Then I suppose you'll be alright with no sex * I say quickly turning on my heel and walking away with a slight sway in my hips knowing I've won this little argument and I soon hear him scoff *

Dark: how dare he tell me that * I huff arguing with myself * he can't tell me no like that * I pout for the rest of the day thinking of ways to get back at him*.

Thank you so much for putting up with me you guys and as promised here's another chapter , i will try and keep my agreement and make some for of posting schedule i swear but other than that have a lovely day to you all.

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