-There's music in this chapter, the music video is at the end of this chapter if you wanna listen to it! It'll make so much more sense if you do!-
--Also whenever I'll be putting lyrics, the next set of lyrics won't be fully after the line in the song.--

"Now attention! Everyone listen up!" The loud noise of people talking in the auditorium started to quiet down a bit. Everybody focused their attention on the teacher that was on the stage of the auditorium. "We have our amazing students back! After a long time of trying to get them back, I've finally done it! We would like to welcome back Mark Fischbach and Seán McLoughlin!" The teacher pointed down where Mark and Seán were talking. The two boys smiled with mouthing the words, "Thank you" to the teacher. The teacher smiled with clapping her hands once, trying to get the classes' attention once more. "Buuuuut students! Today is a special day! Now not including two of our classmates returning, also we're doing this project. Now the project is that you and a partner will pick a song, then you and your partner will lip sing the song. 'Cause really I don't want to hear any of you singing." (a few chuckles were heard here and there throughout the auditorium) "Now I will give you the rest of the week to find a song off the internet, it can be any song as long as it doesn't have any swear words," (groans could be heard from some students) "we're not doing anything today, so I suggest you all start now." Moving could be heard from the students, them moving to their partner.

With Mark and Seán already by each other, they turn their heads towards one another with both of them giving a look. "You're my fucking partner." Spoke Seán. Mark smirked with replying, "I was about to say the same thing."

It being two months since Thomas had died; Mark has calmed down a bit, but not that much. Seán wants to calm down Mark the best he can, so far he's doing an excellent job of it.

"What song do you want to lip sing?" Seán asked Mark, them both sitting in the auditorium seats. Mark shrugged, "More importantly, what type of song are we going to do?" Seán raised an eyebrow, "Like if it's a rap song or country song?" Mark quietly chuckling with shaking his head. "A romance song, a song that tells a story, a song that's complete random. You know?" Seán let out a "Ahh" with going silent afterwards. "Well," Mark took a paused, "There's this song that one of my friends got me addictive to. It's called Strangers by Scratch21." Seán smiled with nodding. "I don't know that song, but it sounds good. Never heard of Scratch21 before though." Mark chuckled once more, "It's fine. Literally nobody has really heard of them." Seán nodded, "I'll make sure to listen to it today when I get home." When Seán finished saying what he was saying, the bell ringed, indicating it was the fourth bell of the day. Everybody else left in such a hurry, while Mark and Seán groaned. "I don't want to go to Math with Mrs. Queen." Sean spoke out with rolling his eyes. "Mrs. Queen is nothing! It's Mr. Ryan you have to watch out for." Mark scoffed. "Bitch you wanna go?" Seán smirked with looking at Mark. "Nah, we gotta head to class dude." Mark rolled his eyes. "You're just scared!" Seán picked up his bookbag, him heading out of the auditorium doors, without him saying another word to Mark. "Wait no! Wait for me Seeeeeeán!"

. . .

Seán put in his ear buds, him waiting for the music to start playing; shortly after, the song finally started to play. First, a male started to sing.

Save me, I'm drowning so deep in the darkness.

After that one simple line, Seán already fell in love with the song.

Broken promise. Gone forever. Maybe one day we'll get better.

Yet another line that Seán loved.

Let's stay strangers like we're meant to. Oh I wonder if you miss me too.

A woman started to sing right after the male.

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