"Mark! Stop! They're just guest! They're not zombies that are gonna take over the world or something!" Mark sighed with tossing his phone on the bed after getting frustrated with TheKidWithAFakeSmile blocking him on Kik. "Who was that guy anyway..? Is he really an old friend of mine?" He asked himself as he was at the end of his bed, gripping on the sheets as he let go of them in order to get up. He shook his head and started to head to his big closet. He needed something "nice" to wear anyway. The closest thing he has for a "nice" outfit is a black shirt and navy blue skinny jeans. "Perfect!" Mark said, while throwing his shirt off that he wore to school today and putting on the black one that he found in his closet. He already had the navy blue jeans on, so there was no sense in putting on a fresh clean pair.

Mark really had nothing else to do. So he did as his mother told him earlier to do and went to his brother's bedroom door. "Thomas! Come onnn!" Mark yelled, him banging on the door quite loudly. Thomas didn't reply on the other side of the door because he was doing what he does best, sleeping. Mark shrugged once he never gotten a reply back from Thomas and returned back to his room.

Now he's just where he was at in the beginning, in his bedroom, boredom striking him down. "Maybe I should try and text that guy again..." Mark said softly, going over to his bed, reaching over to his phone where he threw it at on the bed. Mark sighed, getting on Kik and trying to message the mystery guy once more.

Are you even there anymore?

Oops! The KidWithAFakeSmile isn't accepting messages right now! Text KidWithAFakeSmile another time, thanks!

Mark sighed, throwing his phone on the bed in frustration once again. "Who are you anyway?!" Him standing up in anger. Mark tried to calm himself down by running his hand through his hair. He however succeed into doing so. "Who are you..?" He said once again, sitting back down on the bed. He sighed with getting up from his bed once again, opening his door and closing it. Exiting his room and going down the stairs to see if his mother actually needs his help.

"Mark! You actually came in to help?" Mark's mom spoke out, seeing Mark coming into the kitchen and jumping on the counter to sit down at. "If you need it anyway." Mark shrugged, him kinda wanting to get his boredom away by helping his mom cook. "Well I've already done all of the main food.. But you can help with the salads! Since your dad doesn't really like hamburgers, he would love to have salad instead!" Mark rolled his eyes with slightly smiling. Him jumping off of the counter, going over to get the ingredients for a simple salad. Or how in this case, how his father likes his salads done.

"Mom?" Mark asked, him about to be finished on making the salad. "Yes dear?" His mom asked, Mark's mom wiped her hands on her pants, her turning around to face Mark. "Why did you invite the mystery guest in the first place?" Mark's mom didn't wanna ruin the surprise for Mark on who it was. So she quickly making up something, she replied with this, "It's a long time friend dear. And we pretty much owe it to them too. Don't get so worked up about it," she paused, coming over to put her hand on his shoulder, "this will be good for the both of us. Just try and forget about them until they come." As if it was right on cue, Mark and his mom heard the doorbell go off.

Mark's mom squealed, her shooing Mark out of the kitchen to go and answer the door. Mark slowly but surely walking to the door, fixing his hair a tad and finally opening the door to find the "long time friend". Mark was surprised, but the Irishman, not so much. With there being Seán there, his two mothers were there as well. Seán  clears his throat with having his hand out; him waiting for Mark to shake it.

Mark hesitated before shaking Seán's hand. "So uh, come in. Make yourselves at home." Mark spoke out after shaking Seán's hand. Mark moved out of the way and did a little hand motion that they could come in. Seán, Sydney, and Allie all came into the house. Them all being washed away from the amazing smell that was coming from the kitchen.

Mark's mom came out of the kitchen entrance with a big plate with around twelve hamburgers on it. She setting the plate down in the center of the table asking Mark to go and get the salad that he made for his father. Mark obeyed at what his mother told him to do. In seconds Mark came back into the dining area to set the bowl of salad neatly down on the table. "Mark go and get Thomas would you?" Mark rolled his eyes, him going over to the stairs and walking up them. "Seán how 'bout you help him as well?" Seán shrugged, biting his lip, and going to follow Mark up the stairs to Thomas's room.

"Mark get your ass out of my face." Mark smirked, trying to think of a good comeback. "My ass is perfect for your information unlike your saggy ass." Seán stopped when he reached the top of the stairs. "Bitch you wanna go?" Seán said playfully, throwing his arms around like he was ready to punch Mark. "Asshole you couldn't even throw a punch at me even if you try boo." Seán softly smiled, and punched him ever so softly on the shoulder. "Oh the pain! You've killed me! Curse to you and your family! And your family families!" Mark and Seán looked at each other for a few seconds before laughing softly. "We cool man?" Seán asked Mark. "Yeah bro. We cool fam." Seán punched him a little harder than last time but not too hard. "No, stop. Just no. Don't you dare." Mark stopped walking, turning around to face Seán, with saying, "Honey child I can suck dick for five buck. But since I like you sooooo much! I'll do two fifty. We have deal?" Seán immediately threw his hands up, walking away from Mark with saying, "I'm done. I'm done. I'm done." Mark was concealing his laughter, but quickly adding, "No no no boo! I'll pay you the two fifty for me to suck!" Seán was already at the end of the stairs when he yelled once more, "Mark's mom control your son!" Mark's mom rolled her eyes, sitting down at the dining table and talking to Sydney and Allie. "You take him! I'm done with him!" Mark gasped very loudly. "Oh good mother! You wouldn't trade me for all of the riches in the world!" Mark's mom rolled her eyes once more and softly said to Sydney and Allie. "I would trade him for a grilled cheese sandwich in a second." The women laughed with Mark coming down the stairs to ruffle up Seán's hair.

"Hey you arse! Don't do that!" Seán spoke out, him trying to ruffle his hair back into place just the way he likes it. "Maybe I want to! Gosh!" Allie cleared her throat, getting the two boys attention. The two boys straighten up, looking at Allie dead in the eyes. "Sit down and get ready to eat. Mrs. Fischbach made this dinner for us and her family." Seán and Mark quickly, but quietly went into a chair that was right beside each other. Sydney looked over at Allie and kissed her cheek. "Come on, don't be so strict, this isn't your house." Sydney said softly into Allie's ear. Allie bit her bottom lip, with turning to the two boys, her saying sorry to the both of them along towards Mark's mom. Mark's mom shook her head, smiling along with it. "But hey! Come on, we have this amazing food that my mother cooked, so we should probably eat it!" Mark said, placing a hand on his mother shoulder. "Heh, well thank you Mark, now where is Thomas, didn't you get him?" Mark shyly shook his head no. "I swear that boy is always sleeping and never actually wanting to do something. Excuse me ladies and gents." Mark's mom, excusing herself from the table and going to the stairs, going up to Thomas's room. While Mark's mom was doing this, Sydney, Allie, Mark, and Seán just started to eat the delicious hamburgers that Mark's mom made.

A loud scream was all that could be heard from upstairs. Mark quickly moved his head, yelling "Mom!" getting up from the table to go running up the stairs, Seán following afterwards after him. Mark was at the top of the stairs and noticing that Thomas's door was opened. He slowly walked towards the door, the first thing he saw was his mom, bending down to a body. Thomas's body. The body that was lifeless and pale. "Th-Thomas.. Co-Come on buddy, wakey wakey.." Mark's mom said, stuttering every so often, tears flowing out of her eyes. Along with Mark's as well. "I-I should have checked him earlier!" Mark spoke out in full on tears. "Ma-Mark.." Seán said, moving closer to hug him tightly. "I'm sorry." Was all that Seán could say at a time like this. Mark said nothing, all you could hear was the weeps and sobs coming from him. "It-It's my fault." Mark spoke out. "It's al-all mine."


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