<7: the end>

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"W-Wait.. You.. What?" Seán stuttered out. Mark looked down to the ground and said it once more. "I like you Seán." Seán blushed, hearing Mark said it with his real name. "I-Is that why you kissed me?" Seán ask Mark. Mark felt embarrassed, scratching the back of his head from it. "N-No.. Well.. Maybe?" Mark stopped scratching his head. "I-I just wanted to kiss you because it felt like that was the right moment," Mark took a pause, looking at Seán. "i-it felt right to kiss you in front of all those people.. I just.. Wanted to see how you'll take it." Mark felt more embarrassed by just saying this.

Seán was speechless, him still staring at the ground. "I-I'll just go.." Mark quietly said, him grabbing his backpack and leaving the bathroom. "Mark wait!" Seán said, him grabbing Mark's wrist and bringing Mark closer to him. "Uhm.. Hi." Seán said once Mark was face to face with him. "Heh, heya Jack." Seán step back a tiny bit, "I think I do like you. But I don't know. My feelings are fucking me in the ass and I don't know what to do." Mark chuckled, "Well what do you wanna do? There's really two options for this." Seán smiled, "And those options are?" Mark took a deep breath, him coming closer to Seán. "We could either.. A, continue to be friends and see if these feelings will go away.." Seán bit his lip. "Or..?" Seán ask. "Or.. B, we could.. G-Get together and see how it works out..?" Seán blushes, him chuckling nervously. "Uhm.. What do you wanna do?" Mark asked Seán. Mark step a tiny bit closer to Seán. "What do you wanna do..?" Seán ask the same question to Mark, him stepping closer to Mark in return. "Well.. How 'bout we kiss again and see if you enjoy it?" Mark smiled with Seán blushing more. "I-I didn't say I didn't like it the first time we kissed." Mark smiled, coming even closer to Seán, grabbing his waist to bring him into a sweet and loving kiss. The kiss was short and sweet, them both loving it but don't want to admit it.

They pull back, them smiling stupidly at each other. "I liked that." Seán said, smiling to Mark. "I did too." Mark replied to Seán. Seán giggled with stepping back from Mark. "So now what?" Seán asked. Mark chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "I think this is the point where I ask you to be my boyfriend." Seán blushed, staring at the ground and nodding his head. "I would love that Mark." Mark put his hand down and quit scratching his head, and Seán stopped looking at the ground. They both looked at each other with blushing spreading on their face.

Without it being on cue, the bell ringed, indicating it was the next class, then the boys could go home. "Ugh no.. Not Mrs. Queen.." Mark chuckled and went over to grab Sean's bookbag; him bringing it back to Seán. "You ready?" Seán smiled, taking his bookbag and nodding. "Of course."


"Soooo! Mark did you finally ask out that boy that you been telling me about! Oh, please tell me you did! And then finally tell me who he is!" Mark was bombarded with question by his mom when he first step in the door. "Actually the guy that I've telling you about is Seán." Mark's mom threw her arms up in the air and yelled, "You owe me twenty bucks Robert!"Mark's mom yelled to Mark's dad. Mark rolled his eyes and headed to his bedroom. "Wait wait! Did you ask him!" Mark's mom yelled to Mark while he was already in his room. "He said yes mom!" Mark said rolling his eyes and a hint of blush spreading on his cheeks.

When Mark said that you could just hear Mark's mom squealing. Mark heard that and roll his eyes once more. "Gotta love your parents." Mark mumble to himself. Mark sat down his backpack in his computer chair and lay down on his bed. Mark looked up at the ceiling and starting to think. Think about everything that has happened to him in two months. Almost got into a fight. Got kicked out of the Drama, or theater it's called. Realised the person that he almost got into a fight with was a very old friend. His mom surprised him by letting Seán's parents and Seán come to his place to eat. He lost his brother to suicide. A month ago he started to have feelings for Seán. He got back in theater about a week ago. And finally.. He asked Seán to be his boyfriend. And Seán said yes! He couldn't believe it.

Before Mark knew it, he starts to cry, realizing everything. How could two months change so quickly? Yeah Mark's mom and father are still depressed from what happened to Thomas. But the sad thing is, is that Seán makes Mark forget about him sometimes. Mark started to question more things. Why does he like Seán? Is it the way that he's so caring? Is it the way that he's the one that actually listens to him? Is it the way that he cares so much about everybody? He always want to make people smile. He even has that smile that is so contagious. Just from the cite of it, it'll make you smile too.

Mark started to smile, him wiping away the tears that were streaming down his face. "God I'm such a baby.." He mumble through the tears. Mark sat up, him looking around his room. Him seeing the dozens of posters that were on his walls. Mark soon swing his legs over the side of the bed. Him taking a big sigh. "I like my best friend? Don't I? I like Seán. I really like Seán. I really like my boyfriend, Seán.. I-I like you Jack."


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