"Jack, Jack, Jack! Watch meeee!" The five year old giggled with sitting on the ground and watching the little six year old making a fool of himself. "Okay, okay, okay Marky! I am watching!" The six year old took a deep breath with jumping over a pond that he thought he could jump over. But he was wrong, him jumping but ending up on his bum in the pond.

The little five year old that was sitting down on the ground busted out in laughter, him falling backwards on the ground, holding his stomach to make it stop hurting from all the laughter that is coming from his mouth. "He-Hey! That isn't funny Jacky!" The six year old got up with being drenched in pond water. The five year old slowly sat up, with still laughing, wiping the tears that was coming out of his eyes. "You're right... It's hilarious!"

"Y-You jerk! I don't even know why I'm friends with you!" The six year old pouted, crossing his arms with looking at a random rock on the ground angrily, plopping down on the ground. (Away from the pond water) The five year olds laughter died down quite quickly. "Hey... Look Marky I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you mad at me." The five year old said as he came over to the six year old that was pouting.

"I know how you can make it up to me!" The six year old replied with getting up from the ground, (his pants soaking wet with a little bit of his shirt being wet also) staring at the five year old, clearly not pouting anymore at the random rock. "How?" The six year old smiled, looking straight into the five year olds eyes. "Promise you'll stay with me. Forever and ever?" The little six year old hold out his pinkie. Waiting for the five year old to accept his pinkie promise. "I pinkie promise to that! I promise Marky!" The five year old soon accepted the pinkie promise and intertwined his pinkie with the six year olds.

Both of the little boys smiled at each other with them coming towards each other in a hug. "Please never leave me.." The six year old said softly. "Marky.. I already said I wasn't!" The six year old giggled with letting go of the five year old. "Promise once more?" The six year old hold out his pinkie finger once more. The five year old groaned out with hitting the six year old slightly in the arm. "Yeeeeeees! I promise Marky!"

Replied the five year old, you could just hear the annoyance in his voice. Once again the five year old intertwined his pinkie with the five year olds. Soon both of them letting go of each others pinkies once more. The six year old smiled. Knowing he get what he wants, even though he already ask for it two times and both got them the two times.

It was silent for a few minutes, until the little six year old broke it. "Race ya home! Ready, set, go!" Without no warning, the six year old was sprinting (how else are you suppose to get dry?) down the long grass meadow field with flowers becoming to sprout up from the ground. "He-Hey!" The five year old quickly started to run after the six year old. With the six year old being a little bit faster, and well a cheater, he was way farther than the five year old was.

"I-I just promise that I will never leave you... and here you are already leaving me..." The five year old whispering it quietly to himself while pushing himself to run as fast as his little legs can run. The six year old was obviously victorious. With his massive cheating, the five year old couldn't catch up. He wasn't fast enough.


The boys was growing up. That's what boys were supposed to do. Something that wasn't supposed to be done was that the six year old, now ten. He grew up with leaving the five year old, now nine, in the dust.

The ten year old forgot about the nine year old in a flash. With the ten year old making new friends. He was happy. Happier than the nine year old, that's for sure.

The nine year old wasn't making any friends. The only friend he ever had was, 'Marky' he thought that's all that he should have. All that he really needed for that matter. Damn was he wrong.


The ten year old today is seventeen. His name is Mark Edward Fischbach. But please, call him Mark. Mark here grew up being the perfect little boy that he can be! He was this massive, biggest, and popular person at school. His main three best friends are: Felix, Wade, and Bob. Felix came from Sweden two years ago to end up in California. Wade came from Missouri to meet his long lasting internet boyfriend Bob. Bob was in California, him and Mark being the bestest best friends that two guys could ever be. Mark knew Bob was gay. Bob knew Mark was bisexual.

Mark use to be straight, before he started to fall for Bob. Bob changed him from being as straight as a flag pole to being as straight as a hot Cheeto chip. Mark currently is living with his mom and dad. His parents both know that he is gay. Being those special kind of parents that they are, Mark's parents grew up loving Mark the same way they always loved him. Mark grew up with not entirely remembering everything. When he was younger, his parents had to constantly keep telling him that he was their son. Apparently.. Mark's parents forgot to mention Seán into his life.

Seán was the little nine year old, but now Seán is the perfect sixteen year old that can be. Now Seán William McLoughlin was this massive dork at his school. He would make the best grades out of his entire class! He always arrived to school really early. And he always helped out in the drama division. His dream was to be an actor. He always made up these silly little skits in his head. Some made absolutely no sense at all, and others were a tragic love story about two guys, two girls, or a girl and a guy.

Seán William McLoughlin here is not gay. He is simply as straight as markers when you plug the ends together to make the markers even bigger. Seán just says that. He constantly keeps questioning himself if he really likes guys or not. Seán William McLoughlin lives with his two moms. Both of his moms is the most caring, nicest parents ever. Even though if he was gay, he would be accepted in a heartbeat.

Both of these boys grew up being the best that they could be. Seán grew up with over thinking of Mark too much. Saying that Mark was just a fake, never really was a good friend. But really.. Seán never took the time to actually ask him. And now.. I present you, Seán McLoughlin... The guy, that is a stranger to his best friend.


"Mr. McLoughlin! Pay attention or you'll be sent to the principal again! And trust me, she doesn't like it when I send students that are suppose to be learning sent up to intrude her!" Seán rolled his eyes with grabbing his pencil from the gray desk to start writing on his empty piece of paper that was supposed to be halfway filled by now. Seán McLoughlin here hates Miss Vicky. After all she was a really old lady that was just waiting for death to happen to her. Is what Seán always says whenever he sees her. Oh yes. Seán is one of those people that make the best grades, never gets in trouble, and has never back talked to a teacher before.

Buuuuut, Miss Vicky is one of those teachers that absolutely hates students. Especially she would get onto Seán the most. Everyone despises Miss Vicky. Even the teachers, janitor, and the principals. Hell even her own dog hates her. "Now class we will have a pop quiz tomorrow because of Seán's behavior." Miss Vicky spoke out with pure hatred. The entire class groaned, a few of Seán's classmates turned towards him with glaring at him. Seán rolled his eyes with drawing a few detailed eyes on his paper.

"Now the test will be a two page essay about how you spend your Christmas last year. Since I'm the nice type of teacher; this will be for homework. You won't need that long to write this two paged essay; so why don't you guys get started now? Oops.. Guess this won't be a pop quiz in the first place. And Seán," she paused, looking down at the teen boy that was doodling on his paper. He immediately looked up, catching Vicky's eyes with his own. "you will have to do a five paged essay, on how your love life goes.. Since you simply can't even get one person to even date you." Seán smiled with speaking out, "At least I get some action in bed, while you already wasted your life away getting none at all." You could just hear the snickering around the room, before Miss Vicky could even get a word out of her mouth, her mouth was opened but no words came out; Seán got up from his seat, backing up his stuff, and without even saying another word he walk out of the classroom.

This was the first time ever in Seán's life that he had ever back talked to a teacher before, but hell he sure did like what he did.


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