"Mark Edward Fischbach.. What in the world did you do!?" Mark's mom yelled but in a quiet tone. Mark didn't say anything, he just sat there, sitting in the car, trying to think of what to say. Soon Mark's mom gave up, sighing with starting to drive out of the school. The car ride was very silent, so silent that you can actually hear the radio for once. "Mark.. Your father isn't going to be really happy with you." Mark sighed, laying back in the car seat, looking out the window. "I know.. I know mom.. I-I didn't do anything! I swear!" Mark's mom roughly slammed on brakes at a stop sign, with there not being any traffic at all. "Then what the hell was this?! You almost caused a fight!"  Mark shook his head, "B-But it wasn't my fault! It-It was all Seán's fault!"

Mark's mom didn't say anything at the mentioning of Seán's name. She quickly turned her way towards the wheel of the car, driving off to their house. She knew who Seán was. She never wanted to hurt Seán in anyway possible. Mark's mom thought it would be better for both of them to not remember each other at all.

That's one of the reasons why she stopped telling Mark about Seán or "Jack", Mark thought of this name because Mark being Mark when he was younger, he couldn't really say Seán at all. It really confused him for some unknown reason. He thought of the name "Jack". It was plain and simple, easier to remember. Seán would always be extremely hyperactive when he was younger. Seán being reminded as a jackrabbit towards Mark, therefore, "Jack" was born.

After a very quiet car ride home, Mark and his mom just sat in silence in the car, them being parked in front of their house. Neither one of them was moving a inch to open up the car door. "What did dad say..?" Mark finally spoke out, but being as quiet as he can be. "It's not that bad Mark.. Come on, you're probably just gonna get a yelling to is all." Mark sighed, throwing his head back to the car seat.
"Honey.. He isn't going to do anything bad, this is your first time ever getting into trouble.. Come on."

Mark's mom nudge Mark a little to get him to come out of the car, Mark resist quickly. Mark's mom raised an eyebrow, turning off the car and getting the key out of it. Mark's mom got out of the car, going over to Mark's side which was the passenger seat. She opened his door quite quickly, with taking his seat belt off; soon grabbing him and dragging him towards the door of his house. "No, mom please." Mark didn't scream, he didn't even yell, he just said it in the most monotone voice ever. Apparently Mark wanted his mother to do this.. He didn't want to get out of the car because his feet was hurting.. "You're a lazy pile of shiz.." Mark's mom said mumbling it.

Mark smirked, hearing what she mumbled. "I know I am mother." Mark spoke out, having the biggest, smiling face ever. Mark's mom quickly scoffed, throwing him on the grass that was by the front porch. "Ow!" Mark sat up, rubbing at his back so the pain could go away, it wasn't really working. "Hmph, you should feel bad for letting your poor old crippling mother carry you." Mark scoffed, getting off of the grass. "Woman you're not poor or crippling at all!" Mark grinned, leaving out the 'old' part.

"That's it! You're grounded!" Yelled his mother, her walking into the house and not saying another word. Mark rolled his eyes, soon going into the house as well, him remembering his backpack was on his back. "Mark," Said a deep and manly voice. It was his dad, Mark pushing up his glasses and gulped. "come sit down son.." Mark did as he was told, him closing the front door just to give him that itty bitty second so he wouldn't have his dad yelling at him.

Mark walked over slowly to the couch, across from the big chair that his father was sitting in. "Son," Mark sat down. "you almost caused a fight today in school?" Mark slowly but surely nodded his head. Mark's dad chuckled with getting out of his big fluffy chair, holding his arms out for a hug. Mark saw this, but was really really confused. "Come and give your big man a hug son! This isn't too gay for you, right?" Mark chuckled, getting up and hugging his big man.

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