*Chapter Three*

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It was about an hour into our drive, and everyone else except for Nik he fallen back asleep on the bunk beds in the back of the bus. It was really cool, cause they had gotten a bigger bus than usual, so they had four beds carved into each wall, and two walls. Even though it looked cool, it was also completely cramped. After playing go fish with Nik for a while, I was bored out of my mind and decided to go wake someone else up. I tiptoed into the bed area, and went for the lest cranky person to wake up, Ivan.

"Ivan," I whispered, "Ivan, wake up. Ivannnn, I'm bored. Ivan. Ivan. Please wake up. Ivan, say nothing of it's okay to wake you up." He, of course, said nothing. I smiled to myself as I grabbed a bottle of water, and unceremoniously dumped it in his head. He didn't even flinched. I then did what any loving sister would do. I took his big amp, plugged in the headphones, put them on him at the highest setting, and started playing terrible. He woke up that time.

"What's wrong with you!" He asked. I smiled devilishly. "You should have woken up the first time. Now come on, I'm bored and Nik isn't any fun!" Ivan, being the good brother he is, just shook his head at my antics. We spent the next two hours finishing a sign for the side of the bus. Me and Ivan had started this a while ago. We saw one of those signs a school puts on when they go on trips, and thought it would be fun to make. It probably wouldn't last long, and Larry was having the label put a professional one on the bus with all their faces on it, but it was fun to make. It had the worlds "VOLKOV FAMILY ROAD TRIP" and had all our hand prints. It was cheesy, yeah, but cheesy is our middle name. By the time we were done, everyone was awake and hungry, so we decided to stop for food. We were passing though a small town, and decided to park in a abandoned lot to avoid attention. We all clambered out, and I made everyone hold the sign for a picture before we left. I knew the fans would probably tear it off to get a memento but I was really proud of this, and I wanted to put it in the scrap book I'm making while we're on this trip. I'm a softy, okay?

We walked a couple blocks before settling on a small family dinner. It was supposed to be just us, but the film crew wanted to tag along and film us. As you can imagine, a giant camera man following a family usually catches people's attention, and it wasn't too long until the fans caught wind of us.* Within minutes, the dinner was completely surrounded. It had been empty when we arrived, and Larry convinced the owners to lock it up before it got real crazy.

It felt really insane, sitting there eating burgers and fries with my brothers, being filmed and seeing hundreds of people outside just waiting to touch my brothers. I knew that they were big, but they tended to try and shield me from a majority of the public's eye. They may have a couple photos of me falling on my face, but other than that we really didn't put me out there. All my accounts are private, and I usually was homeschooled because I liked it better. The guys tried to keep my mind off it, making stupid jokes and eating my fries when I look away. Nik was trying to get me to cuss so I would get in trouble by the twins and Dmitri, but he just ended up getting scolded, making me laugh so hard I cried.

Around the time we had to leave, the security guys tried breaking apart the crowd of teenagers, mostly girls my age. Unfortunately, they failed. They said to just try to push though and they'd get to us as soon as possible. My brothers created a circle around me, and we went out. It was mental, within seconds the fans had swarmed us, and I finally gave up on using my crutches and just climbed on Ivan's back. Kola grabbed my crutches, and I saw our bus come into view. A couple moments more and we made it on the bus.

"Well," I started. "that was crazy." My brothers all nodded their heads, agreeing with me. We decided against doing anything else for the day, and just watched movies before going to bed early. Today may have been crazy, but tomorrow would be worse. It was their first official stop, and apparently people were lined up right now waiting to see them live.

* (A/N: GET IT, CAUGHT WIND!!! CAUSE THATS WHAT FANS DO?? Okay I'll leave now)

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