Zapped // Jay x Nya (*)

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Jay rushed to her side.

"Ugh, that was one hard kick." Nya winced. "But it's all good."

"Did you know that even still inside the womb, babies can hear and respond to noises?" Zane, who was just bringing another inside, remarked. "It appears that your child does not like it when you raise your voice."

Jay grinned. "Smart baby."

"Must be from the mother's side." Kai smirked.

"I am sorry about upsetting you, my little one." Nya said as gently rubbed her belly. "I am just trying to reason with daddy and uncle Kai, they are being stupid and overprotective of us again."

"I am sorry, too." The Lightning Ninja remorsefully placed his hand on top of hers. "You are right, we should trust you more. You know best how you feel."

"Thanks." Nya smiled at the love of her life. "Try to remember it for the next time, okay?"

"I will." Jay embraced her.

"And me too." Kai agreed. "Group hug."

He wrapped his arms around both his sister and her husband, but immediately retracted them again.

"Hey, stop that." He complained to his brother-in-law. "Nya's my sister, I want to hug her too."

"I didn't do anything." The blue Ninja retorted.

"You just shocked me."

"I didn't shock you."

"Yes, you did."


"Well, if you didn't do it, who else could it have been?" Kai asked.

"There is another possibility." Zane stated. "I was not around at that time, but you have mentioned that Sensei Garmadon once told you that elemental powers are hereditary." The Titanium Ninja added, and three pairs of eyes immediately turned to Nya. Or rather to her rounded stomach.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Nya exclaimed. "And you..." She angrily pointed at her husband. "Stop grinning like that!"

"M-me? I-I haven't done anything."

"No, you've done absolutely nothing. Other than having some fun, that is. And that's exactly my point." The Water Ninja was furious. "I felt sick almost nonstop for three months, I couldn't drink or have my favourite food at my own wedding, now I am the one who will wear a tent for my brother's wedding – and who will probably miss half of it anyway thanks to my squished bladder..."

"Nya..." Noticing the lights in the hall had started to flicker, Jay tried to calm down his wife, but to no avail. If anything, it made her even more upset.

"Don't Nya me, Mister. I am not finished yet." She yelled. "So, after I've been dealing with all this shit for the past few months, you're telling me that the baby is going to have your element?! And now I can't even use my own powers until the baby is born, if I don't want to risk electrocuting anyone..."

"Aaargh." As Nya let out a loud scream in frustration, a massive surge of electrical energy erupted from her glowing body, sending the house into a full blackout.

After a brief moment of complete silence, Kai was the first one to speak again.

"It is safe to say that our Nindroid was right once again, the baby definitely doesn't like you yelling." He stated, "Is everyone okay? Zane?"

"Affirmative." The Master of Ice replied. "My Titanium Body appears to have more effective surge protectors than this house."

"Nya, what about you?" Unlike his brothers, the Master of Lightning didn't have to fear the few sparks that were still flying around his wife, so Jay wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled the shaking woman into a firm, comforting hug.

"I-I am sorry." Nya sobbed into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay." Jay soothingly rubbed her back. "All of us are fine, that's the main thing. Don't worry about the house, I was going to do some upgrades on the electrical system anyway."

"N-not just the blackout. It wasn't fair what I've said; you've been a great support all the way through my pregnancy. Even though you can overdo it from time to time."

"But you are still the one carrying most of the weight." He chuckled. "Literally even."

Nya rolled her eyes at him. "Now, that was not very helpful..."

"I really mean it; you are doing great, I don't think I would have made it even through one day."

"But I bet you will still be his or her favourite parent."

"Maybe, but that won't have anything to do with the element." Jay smirked. "I am just Ninjago's most lovable Ninja."

"Yes, you are." Nya laughed through her tears. "Although sometimes I think everything would be a lot easier if we simply were normal people leading normal lives..."

"Yes. But then we would most likely be complaining about the lack of adventure. That's just not who we are." Jay shrugged. "But being a Ninja won't stop us from being the best parents to our children."

"I really hate to interrupt you..."

"We are used to it, Kai." Nya stated.

"Haha, very funny. But who is going to collect our order now?"

"I am. And when I see Skylor, I will warm her about what she's going to deal with when she marries another elemental master..." Nya winked at her brother. She then turned back to her husband.

"So, you're okay with me driving there, right?"

"After what has just happened here, I'd be stupid to object again." Jay told her. "Take care, okay?"

"I will."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Nya smiled, nudging him. "I just have one little piece of advice for you. If you want to live long enough to meet this child, I'd recommend not to use the plural form ever again. Or at least not for a very long time."

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