01- Not So Different, You And I

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Fight or Flight.

Only those two words kept racing through my mind.

Fight or Flight.

I never had been in a situation where I knew that I couldn't escape. I would always either fade away into nothing and carry on or I would just kill the person. And I no longer wanted to kill.

So, I was stuck. I couldn't sneak away cause I had no clue where I was. That, and I knew the telepath would find me before I even decided to run.

But either way, I had someone else to worry about.

I just had to grasp onto Peter's hand before we were shoved into the portal that lead us to this place.
If I never grabbed hold of him, he'd be with the Avengers. He'd be stuck in the middle of their battle, sure, but at least he'd be safe.

I glanced up at the woman that towered over me. Her flaming red hair curled away from her pointed face as she stared down at me.
She still wore a smile of joy on her face, but her eyes told a different story.
She seemed like a good liar, but I could tell that her eyes would always give away her true intentions.
She stood firm and I knew from her stance alone that she'd be able to easily take me down if I tried to attack her.

I rested my left palm on the marble tile while still laying on my stomach and sensed everything throughout the structure.
The building was two stories with a winding staircase behind me and every so hundred feet on the walls was a window that held stained glass that shone red and blue light into the room we were currently in.
By the knowledge I was taught I knew that I wasn't in the presence of a Queen, but I knew that she saw herself as a god compared to the people around her.

The woman snapped her fingers to the man that stood on her right.
Without a single word, he placed his hands under my arms and raised me up to my feet and did the same to Peter.

Once we were finally eye level to the woman, she sighed as if some stress have been lifted off from her.

"It has been quite a while since the last time I've seen you, dear Alger," She glanced to Peter and a hint of displeasure appeared on her face. "I don't quite recall you, though. What is your name?"

"P-Peter Parker." His voice shook as much as his body did.

The woman simply nodded her head. She turned back to me. "You probably have so many questions you'd wish to ask me."

"Where did those twins take me to?"

I noticed that what I said upsetted her, but she still held her tall posture. "You don't like this place?"

"Where am I?" I asked again, "Why did they bring me here?"

"Why, you're home! Didn't you hear what I said when you arrived?"

"Home." The word brought a bitter taste to my mouth. I shook my head and scoffed. "This isn't my home. I don't have a home."

The woman laughed wholeheartedly. "But it is, dear Alger!" She turned around and went back to her throne.
The man held her hand as they both walked up the stairs and she sat herself down and the man still stood by her side. She snapped her fingers once more and the twins quickly rose to their feet and stood straight like soldiers awaiting for a command.

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