Chapter 25: Good To You

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Chapter 25:

“Y/N! You can't go home yet!” Maya exclaimed into my ears, her arms locked in my arms as she drags me back to our school.

“What? What do you mean I can't? I need to go home now, I need to prepare my stuff. I’m going back to Busan tomorrow.” I asked her with a confused look on my face as I struggled to release myself from her clutch. She pouted at me and cried, “But I need your help!” Her grip around my arms tightened. I looked at her and sighed in defeat, giving up as I let her pull me along with her.
Classes has just ended, and tomorrow marks the start of our vacation. Well it's hardly a vacation, it's just a one-week break. Jimin and I have decided to go back home together tomorrow, we asked Jungkook to come with us, but he declined and told us he'll be staying here in Seoul for the week to study. Study, my ass! If I know, he's just gonna go fool around with that wench Julia. And he's been ignoring us for a while now, always going Julia, Julia. Go play with your Julia then! I don’t give a damn. Okay, whatever, I don't need him in my life anyway.

Where was I? Oh yeah, so today is technically our last day, and Maya has been asking me to help her ever since dismissal. She's creeping me out to be honest, I thought maybe she's probably just gonna miss me that's why she wants to hang out with me.

“What do you need me for? And where are the others?” I asked her as I looked around, searching for the boys, which are nowhere in sight since classes ended.

“Help me buy a cake! It's my mom's birthday today and I don't know what to buy for her.” She pleaded as she clasped her hands together.

“Uhhh okay then?” I replied hesitantly. And that is how we ended up in a cake shop, looking at the cakes displayed. Maya couldn't choose what cake to buy so she asked me to pick, she said her mom isn't picky with cakes anyway. I just picked my favorite, strawberry cheesecake. Maya kept glancing at her phone as we stayed at the bakery for a while. It actually annoyed me but I didn't call her out on that as she's just too innocent to get mad at. In case you haven’t noticed, I get annoyed easily but I rarely call out people because of the pushover I am.
We talked about some nonsense stuff, something we hadn't had the luxury of time to do so for the past few weeks. The last two weeks were just stressful as hell, we even forgot the fact that we had the right to have fun. While talking, she glanced at her phone for the last time before standing up from her seat.

“Y/N, can we go to your apartment? I need to use the bathroom.” She panicked as she stated this.
I eyed her confused as I spoke “But isn’t there a restroom in here? You look like you need to use it right now.”
“Well, that… It’s number two so…” She muttered under her breath. “Oh” was my only response.

“Also daddy says he will come pick me up there. Is it okay?” She asked, smile gracing from her lips. I don't know why but she seems weird today.

“Of course! Come on let’s go.” I gave her a smile as I hit her in the arm lightly. I don't know what has gotten to her today, but the Maya I'm with now is much, much better than the Maya from last week. It looked like she can smile genuinely now and has finally let go of something- or someone maybe.

It took us 3 minutes to walk towards my apartment, the bakery being only a few blocks away. I took my key and inserted it in the keyhole. I turned the knob and opened the door gently, when all of a sudden, Maya grabbed the keys from me, entered the room and slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside, leaving me alone.

What the hell just happened.

I stood still outside for a good few minutes trying to comprehend what had gone to Maya. When I came to it, I knocked on my door, of my own apartment, “Maya?? What the hell?”

After a few minutes, the door slowly creaked open and I entered my apartment. The room was pitch black and I scanned for the switch to turn on the lights.

The moment the lights turned on, the sound of the party poppers screeched into my ears.
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” Five figures stood from the shadows, gleefully greeting me. Jimin and Taehyung were holding the party poppers, Jin and Hoseok were carrying the banner with Maya in the middle holding the strawberry cheesecake I picked out earlier, with candles on top. I put two and two together and finally realized what everything was all about. I definitely wasn’t expecting this surprise, I have actually forgotten that it’s almost my birthday and here they are, throwing a surprise birthday party for me. I was about to tear up from happiness, but I kept it to myself.

“We know your birthday is in two days, but we decided to do a surprise for you today since you'll be back in Busan tomorrow.” Maya stated as she hugged me, whispering “Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you, Maya. So who is the daddy here you were talking about?” I teased her which earned a blush on her face. The boys, hearing what I said, turned their eyes to Jimin and started teasing him as well. The two are too flustered to even speak, Maya hit me lightly in the shoulder and said, “My daddy will really pick me up here. I told him about this and he said I could stay til late.” The rest of us gave Maya doubting looks before bursting into laughter.

“Thank you guys so much. I wasn't expecting any of this.” My voice was cracking as I was speaking. The other four came to hug me one by one and greeted me as well. What surprised me was, there was a sixth person in the room.

“Happy birthday Y/N.” Jungkook whispered softly to my ear as he approached and hugged me tight.
He's here as well?

I hugged him back tight as I caress his back. Our hug went on for a while, that it was almost awkward for us and for the others, but we didn't care about our surroundings. It felt like it was just the two of us. I missed him, it felt like eternity since I last saw him.

“Ehem… ehem…” Taehyung faked cough and that brought us back to reality. We both pulled away from our hug and turned to the opposite direction like nothing happened. I know I promised myself I'd forget about him and just move on, but seeing him again right now reminds me of everything I love about him. Of why I love him. Every simple thing he does for me now is engraved in my heart.

“Make a wish!” Maya approached me with the cake in her hands, I bent down and closed my eyes.

Wish? I have a lot of wishes in mind right now, but this is the first one I thought of.
I wish everything will be back to normal between us, and most especially between Jungkook and I.
I wish… I'd fall out of love for him.
I opened my eyes and blew the candles. Everyone else cheered as I blew the candles.

We gathered at my living room and decided to have a movie marathon. Jin ordered us some pizza and other snacks. The gathering was simple, but it really made me happy and I was grateful to them for making this happen.

Just then, the Australia thing hit me again. If I move to Australia, then there won’t be anything like this anymore. No more surprise parties, no more sudden hangouts, no more movie marathons… no more Jungkook. Wait why am I thinking about him again?! Anyway, I haven't told them about it yet, and since we're complete now, maybe now is the right time to say it?

“Guys. I have something important to say.” I spoke and everyone's attention immediately turned to me.

“So, remember when I keep saying I'm studying for a test?” I asked hesitantly as I scratch my head. Everyone nodded in response.

“So… That test is my entrance exam to transfer to Australia.” I uttered softly.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and have simultaneously said “Australia?!” Well, everyone except Jungkook, who knew about it beforehand and is also glancing at his phone at this time, just when I have something important to say. God, make me fall out of love already!

Everyone's reaction shifted from surprised to a happy one. They all reassured me that they're happy for me and that I'll pass that exam for sure. They say they're happy that I'm going to be living with my family now. Their feedback has brightened up my mood and made me more enthusiastic and excited in going to Australia. I can't wait to go to there and live with my mom and dad, I can't wait to leave Jungkook behind. Maybe Australia is the solution to forgetting Jungkook.

After my confession, we all returned to watching the movie. We were all sitting in the couch, when we noticed Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Maya in their own world laughing while looking at Taehyung's phone.

“Why do you have that photo?” Jimin giggled. Taehyung didn't reply and just smirked at him.

“What are you guys laughing about?” I asked out of curiosity. They all looked at me momentarily before letting out a snort. Is there something on my face?

“It’s nothing.” Tae reassured as he tries to regain his composure. I raised my eyebrow at him and approached them to look at his phone.

I scanned the image and realized it was a picture of me sleeping. I grabbed Taehyung's phone aggressively and yelled, “When did you take this?! And wow I look pretty here.”

“Remember when you fell asleep in my bed…” Taehyung laughed harder trying to explain. The rest of us went silent gave Taehyung a weird look, with the words ‘She fell asleep on your bed? You slept together?' written across their faces.

Just then, Jin and Jungkook's bickering broke the silence.
“Jin, I need to go now.” Jungkook panicked as stood up, glancing at his phone.

“Jungkook, come on, stay for a while, it's Y/N's birthday.” Jin replied and calmed Jungkook a bit. Jungkook sat down after that and pouted. What is he in a hurry for?

We all went silent again as we focused on watching the movie. We planned to watch 5 movies tonight, and we've only finished two. Just then, Jungkook once again bothered Jin about him needing to go.

“Jungkook, we're rarely complete as a group, let's stay until the end.” Jin told Jungkook while holding onto his hand. Jungkook brushed his hand away and stood up. I stood up from my seat as well and approached him.

“Y/N, I'm sorry, I need to get going.” He stated as he looked down on the ground.

“Is it Julia texting you? Then go. Just go, we're fine even without you here.” I folded my arms under my chest and raised an eyebrow. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked a bit guilty.
“I… I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next time. Happy birthday.” Jungkook whispered softly.

“Just go already. Julia needs you more, right?” I asked, now my voice shaky as I tried to suppress my tears from falling, this time, they are tears of sadness.

“I'm sorry…” Was the last thing Jungkook said before turning his back on me and walked towards the exit. I was left just standing there and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. I let out soft whines, which I'm pretty sure the group heard, as they turned off the television and remained silent.

The tears cascading from my eyes just wouldn't stop, I can't believe he did this to me. I can't believe he chose Julia over me, on my freaking birthday. All my crying is draining my energy away, I couldn't even lift my arms to wipe the tears away from my face. I've never felt so weak and so worthless.

Without warning, Taehyung suddenly held me in my waist and carried me on his shoulder, with his hands on the back of my legs supporting my weight.
“W-w-what are you doing? Put me down!” I managed to yell from his behind as I hit him in his back. Taehyung seem unfazed by my action as he continued walking- jumping up and down, all while carrying me. This jumping of his made me all dizzy and nauseous. All of a sudden, he stopped jumping and started walking wobbly. At this point, I couldn't tell where we're headed as I'm too dizzy to process things. I could see the others trying to stop Taehyung all while laughing.

Taehyung lost his balance and ended up dropping me in my bed, he laid beside me as well. The rest stopped laughing and hurriedly went to us.

“Are you two okay?” Maya asked.

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up to smack Tae in the head, causing him to laugh. I laid back in my bed and placed my hand over my eyes.
“Tae can I marry you?” I uttered to myself, hoping he won't hear it. But unfortunately, he did. He let out a chuckle as he sat back up, “You know, this is the third time you proposed to me. My answer will remain the same, yes.”

I removed my hand from my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows and pouted. He held my chin teasingly and I flashed him my sweetest smile in response.

Hey God, I know I just made my wish earlier, but can I change it?
Can you please make me fall for Taehyung?

To be continued.

A/N: Unedited, sorry for any mistakes. And thank you for 2k reads :)

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