Chapter 10: Birthday (2)

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Chapter 10:

Class has just ended and as usual, the four of us are walking towards the gate. Jungkook and I are walking in front, when I noticed Jimin and Maya distancing themselves from each other. It was a shame since I find the two of them cute together. Not because I'm jealous of her and Jungkook, but I just really want Jimin to be happy. I really wanted to support Jimin.

'Why did this coconut head-ass have to butt in?' I thought to myself as I glared at Jungkook. He looked at me and smiled brightly. Oh if only he knew I had already killed him in my mind a thousand times.

Jimin approached Jungkook and now they're the ones walking in front, while I sprinted over to Maya's side.

"What happened earlier?" I asked her, pushing my elbow against her. Maya sighed before opening her mouth.

"Jimin gave me a gift. And... once again have confessed to me." She replied and placed her hand on her forehead in dismay.

"Did you tell him everything?"

"No! I can't tell him. I can't be the one to tell him. If anything, I think Jungkook should be the one to tell him that." She stated, stealing a glance at Jungkook.

"Did you reject him at least?" I asked in a low tone. She stared at me in silence.

"I... I can't reject him either. I told him we could be friends but he told me he could wait for me to love him back. I couldn't tell him I'm seeing someone. I... I don't want to hurt him." She replied and looked like she was about to cry.

"Sorry for the word, but, bitch? What the actual fuck? I'm the one who wants to cry right now. Why are the two of you like this? You two don't want to hurt Jimin but can't you realize two are already hurting Jimin by doing this? Can you two please wake the fuck up?"

Was what I wanted to say, but of course I can't say my thoughts out loud. I'm just a side character here. My thoughts are irrelevant.

"Don't worry about it Maya. You're not at fault here." I patted her on the shoulder hoping to reassure her.

That's right. I'm only here to support the heroine, which is Maya. Even if all her decisions are stupid, I'm supposed to go with it because that's what side characters do.


It was night time, we all have arrived on our respective apartments and I immediately lay down on my bed. This week is gonna be stressful since it's our exam week. I rested for a while before getting up to my study table in front of the window. I took out my book and started studying for my finals. Suddenly, I hear a plunk from the window. I opened the window to check out what caused the sound and saw my eraser on the ground. Standing by the foot of the eraser, I was surprised to see a man standing below me, looking at me with his eyes shining brightly, even brighter than the moonlight and his gentle smile greeting me. It was like a scene from a movie. Those scenes where the guy visits the girl at night by throwing a pebble on their window, though in our case he threw an eraser, and then the two of them possibly elopes. Did I evolve to be a main character now? Am I your heroine now, Jeon Jungkook?

Before I knew it, I was smiling to myself and my cheeks turning red. If this were a movie, he would be shouting "Oh Juliet, Juliet, let down your hair" or whatever the movies said.

"Stop smiling and come down here monkey!" Jungkook shouts from below.

Of course, my life isn't a fairy tale.

I closed my book and went outside to where he is. Wait, why am I doing every word he says like I'm his slave?

"What are you smiling for back then? Could you have possibly fallen for me?" he asked mockingly.

"What the hell do you want from me now?!" I yelled at the top of my voice, making sure he knows I'm irritated. I'm on aggressive mode because I'm bad at lying, I could've confessed right when he asked me.

"How was that for an entrance? I was thinking of doing that to Maya later." He asked, smiling like a little kid.

"Wait, what? So I'm your guinea pig now? So I'm less than a side character now, I'm demoted to being a guinea pig? You should've called me that instead of monkey, you dolt!"

Was what I wanted to say again, but I can't for the same reason.

"Wait, what? What will you do if Namjoon catches you?" was what I really asked. I'm a master at saying a different thing from what I really think.

"That's what you're there for. If we get caught, we'll be pretending we're having a group study. That's not suspicious, right?" He smiled and patted me in the shoulder.

How come this guy can think of these strategies but does not do his homework on time?

"I have no choice, do I? Come on! Let's go! Don't slack off now!" I exclaimed and walked fast, leaving Jungkook on his spot.


We reached the Kim residence where Maya and Namjoon lives. Their house is quite near our school, unlike us who had to rent apartments because it takes several hours to travel back and forth to our hometown. Jungkook threw a pebble onto Maya's window. She takes a peak, opening her curtains, and was happy to see Jungkook. Maya immediately came downstairs from her excitement. She even forgot she's still wearing her pyjamas and was very embarrassed when she realized it. Jungkook reassured her saying she's still cute and all whatever she's wearing. They said a lot more stuff but I'm not narrating more because it's too cringey. No, I'm not jealous.

Jungkook handed her a bouquet of flowers and serenaded her with some cheesy ass song. Okay, it's not cheesy, but he sang 'You're Beautiful'. Jungkook sings it beautifully as if he was proposing to her. As soon as Jungkook finishes the chorus, he handed the giant teddy bear to Maya. Maya looked so happy and hugged the teddy bear tightly. The two of them can't seem to remove the smiles on their faces.

Uhm, guys? I exist too. Thank you.

Jungkook, still blushing, turned to look at me. He smiled at me softly as he approached me. He took my hand and handed me his phone.

"Take a photo of us." He demanded. I was rolling my eyes deep inside and I unwillingly complied.

If I was some bad bitch, I'd sabotage their photo and take a photo of the adorable teddy bear instead. But I have to set aside my feelings and be a good friend for them. I have to set aside my feelings because I love the two of them and I don't want to ruin my relationship with them.

After taking their photo, I returned the phone to Jungkook. We bid goodbye to Maya as it was turning late and our business was done. His business, I meant. I looked like a freaking statue earlier.

As we were walking on our way home, Jungkook was smiling to himself, still blushing. Right now, Maya is his world and she's all that matters.

That's when I realized I don't have a place in his heart anymore. I'm nothing but a mere friend. Someone who would support and help him. Just a side character.

"She really is the one. I will love her forever." He whispers to himself but loud enough for me to hear. I just wish I didn't hear it.

I am happy for Jungkook. I really am. He was a total mess after he broke up with Liza. He fools around with girls and dumps then within a week. But now he found a new girl. She is my friend. She's beautiful and sweet. And I'm jealous of her. She has the heart of the man who I'm right beside with all the time. It took me years to realize, but now I can confidently say that I love Jungkook. But it's too late. He already found the girl for him. If she wasn't here, maybe I could've confessed to Jungkook, and maybe we'll end up dating. What if I was the one for him before she showed up? I know it's bad, but I wish this is just another one of Jungkook's one week shenanigans.

I wish they'll break up soon.

To be continued.

A/N: Sorry the story is about to get darker turn from here. But no worries, no killing or blood or gore or anything, just more expressing of their real emotions.

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