Part 2 of the Volcano Sector

Start from the beginning

"Ok, when you got jump you got a jump" I whispered to myself.

"Wait Ulrich what are you about to do?" Jeremy asked sounding concered. 

"Ulrich wait!" Yumi cried, but it was to late. Using my super sprint I sprinted to the edge and jumped twowards the other area were the tower was. I knew Aelita could probably use her created ability to make a pathway to get over here, but by the time they were almost half way the megatanks would be destroying the pathway, and then they'd fall to the digital sea.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as I flew through the air and over towards the mega tanksI was half way arcoss in mid air when the megatanks opened up and aimed straight at me. Red lasers fired and nearly hit me. I'm not going to make it, I'm not going to make it I thought repeatedly. There was no way I was going to make it. Suddenly something shot me in the back giving me a little more mommentum. I just managed to grab on to the ledge. I pulled myself up quickly and prepared to battle the megatanks. That shot in the back had to be one of Odd's laser arrows. Ugh, I'll have to thank him later and then he'll be gloating about what a hero he is. The mega tanks aimed to fire again. Just before they fired I jumped out of the way, doing a flip in the air. 

"Triplicate!" and suddenly my two clones appeared. I whipped my two swords out and lunged toward the nearest megatanks while my clones distracted the other four. The mega tanks I was attacking closed up and rolled towards me. 

"What it's bad enough they fire lasers and now they try to run me over!" I cried jumping out of its way. Aelita took a step off the edge of the cliff, her eyes close and she was whispering something. As she walked a rocky bridge started forming. Odd and Yumi started walking behind her as she created the bridge. A megatank opened up about to shoot my friends, who were racing down the path. I took the chance and lept onto the megatank, and thrust my sword into the eye of xana. I swiftly lept away and the the megatank exploded; the remaining fragments of the destroyed megatank disappeared. I ran over to take care of another megatank. My clones were destroyed by the time I targeted another megatank; at least Yumi, Odd and Aelita had made it here saftely. I ran around the megatanks quickly to distract it. It couldn't figure out where to aim. 

"Hiya!" Yumi exclaimed, jumping and threw one of her metal fans at the mark on the mega tanks. The fan sliced through easily, spun around towards Yumi and she caught it easily. 

"Good aim" I said complementing her.   "We make a good team" she said smiling. All the sudden a laser came seemingly out of no where; aimed for Yumi.

"No!" I yelled, Yumi braced herself for impact, but it had allready hit me. I fell to the ground and when I opened my eyes I was back in the scanners, back on earth. I groaned, being hit with one of their lasers didn't exactly hurt but it still didn't feel good. Hey I did my best I guess. Save Yumi, I mean she would have just be devirtualized like I am not, but I still saved  her. I headed back up to the lab.

"How are they doing Jeremy?" I asked.   "Not so good, a swarm of hornets just appeared" he told me.

"Had to have myself devirtualized" I  grummbled.

"Jeremy theres one megatank, but another swarm of hornets just appeared!" said Yumi. 

"Can Aelita get to the tower?" Jeremy asked nervously.  "No, the megatank is guarding it" said Odd. 

"I could slip past the megatank maybe, but then it would attack the tower" said Aelita. I moved closer to the computer and yelled into the small microphone "Hurry up Odd" 

"Okay, okay, sheesh!" exclaimed Odd. A picture of the last megatank and Odd appeard on the computer screen. Megatank VS Odd, who only had 50 lifepoints left. The megatank card darkened on the screen meaning it had been taken out.

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