Part 7

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That following morning Christina woke up in her trailer, she didn’t go home because she had to be on set in an hour anyways. She got clothes from The Voice wardrobe and got ready for a long day of work. She walked to the nearby cafe and on the way she bumped into Adam.

"Oh Hi." Adam said

"Hey." Was all Christina could say back. She felt really ackward and didn’t really know how to be around Adam quite yet. After last night and everything that had happened she was more confused than ever, not just about her feelings towards Adam and Matt but towards her own actions.

"I was just on my way to the cafe, wanna join me?" Adam said hoping Christina would say yes. 

Not wanting to say she was going there too all she did was nod her head and waited for Adam to lead the way.

Soon after, Blake showed up looking for his fellow co-coaches. Not expecting to find Adam and Christina together so he decided that he’d let them be and greet them later. 

At the cafe Adam and Christina ate in silence neither knowing how to start a conversation. Until Adam spoke up.

"So how are you, how is everything, feel sick or anything?" Adam asked 

Christina couldn’t help but smile at Adam and replied. “Everything’s good jus-.” And she got interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Hey, i’m good how are you…. Sorry I fell asleep in my trailer last night…. Yeah I’m actually having breakfast with Adam right now… Yeah. I will. Alright I’ll see you home. Bye." Christina said on the phone with Matt.


"Yeah, he was just worried cause I didn’t go home yesterday." Seeing that Adam was confused she said. "After you left I fell asleep in my trailer."

"Just like old times huh!" Adam said remembering their time together.

Christina smiled but soon after she turned serious and started staring at nothing.

"Chris. Tell me." Adam said while noticing how upset Christina was.

" I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"You know exactly what i’m talking about. Christina stop lying to yourself and everyone that cares about, you can’t always pretend like you’re okay and that you have everything under control." Adam trying to get Christina to talk.

"What exactly do you want me to tell you? That i’m not okay, that i’m dying inside but I can’t do anything about it because I have to think about Max, Matt… the baby… you. I can’t think about myself and worry about my problems because i’m not the most important person in my life anymore and my own needs don’t come first." Christina paused to breath. " Adam you don’t understand what i’m going through."

"I may not know what you’re going through but do you know what i’m going through? I have two babies on the way with two different woman, I can’t be with the one I love because I fucked up and ruined everything and probably lost any chance of ever being with her. Give me some credit." Adam said getting a little frusterated.

Christina didn’t know what to say or do all she could do was sit there and observe what Adam said. She tried keeping her emotion incontrol but she couldn’t help it and started crying.

Adam walked over to her and took her in his embrace. She let him. They stayed like that for a few moments until they were broken apart by the sound of their fellow friend Blake Shelton.

"Hey, uh sorry to interrupt but Mark is looking for you Christina." Blake said feeling guilty of intruding.

Christina looked into Adam’s eyes as he looked back at her. She looked at Blake nodded and was on her way.

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