Part 5

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It was now 1:50 pm and Adam was supposed to be over in 10 minutes. Christina had cleaned up around her house and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt adding some make up to make it seem like she was okay and hadn’t been crying all night. She knew she shouldn’t be nervous about Adam coming over and she was trying her hardest to calm down because she didn’t want to let Adam know she had been thinking about him and everything going on. She went into the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles one for her and one for Adam. She was about to sit down when she heard the doorbell ring. Walking to the front door Christina was feeling more nervous than she had ever felt in her life.  

"Hey." Adam said not sure of what to do.

"Hi, um come in." Christina said stepping aside granting Adam entrance.

They walked to the living room in what felt that was miles away and sat opposite of each other. They stayed in uncomfortable awkward silence for a good amount of time both not knowing how to start.

"If you’re going to explain yourself do it know cause I don’t have anything else to say." Christina began wanting to get it over with.

"I can’t explain anything you don’t already know, all I can do is say sorry."

"No Adam, all I know is that you got your ex pregnant while we were together" "When did it happen?" Christina asked.

Flashback-Two Months Ago:

"Adam I can’t keep doing this, I feel suffocated." Cried Christina.

"Suffocated? Of what? All I try to do it make you happy, I don’t have a life anymore because my life revolves around you." Adam said moving closer to Christina.

"That’s the problem, I can’t spend 24/7 with you I’m an artist and a Mom I have a lot of priorities and it’s hard having to juggle everything and make everyone happy, something you can’t understand" "I never wanted you to change your life for me."

"Than what is it you want from me Christina? Cause clearly i’m doing something wrong." Adam said now sitting opposite of Christina.

"I want a boyfriend not a body guard." "Since the accident you became the best thing to have happened to me, but I can’t be watched with every move I make." 

"Chris that’s who I am and if you don’t appreciate it than maybe it isn’t worth it." Adam said getting up from his position on the couch.

"You’re clearly not getting my point, but If you say so than I guess it isn’t worth it." Christina was now standing with her back to Adam on the other side of the room not wanting to see what would and did happen next. Adam leaving.

After leaving Christina’s house Adam didn’t want to go back to his house and sob into his pillow so he decided to go to the bar and wash the problem away with alcohol. It was 9:43 pm and Adam was now wasted. The bar was pretty empty except for a group of people dancing!

30 minutes later Adam was still in the bar, he looked over to a girl who looked extremely familiar and walked her way. She saw Adam approaching him and walked to meet him half way!

"Why so alone on such a beautiful night?" Behait said

"That’s for me to know and you to find out." Adam said walking back to the bar with Behait tagging along!

"Where’s Christina! Surely she knows better than to leave you Adam Levine alone!" Behait said moving closer to Adam.

"You’re drunk Behait, go back to your friends."

"Why does it matter that I’m drunk? You’re drunk too." Behait said placing small kissing along Adam’s jaw line.

Adam even being drunk realized what was happening and got up pushing Behait aside. “I can’t do this, I’m with Christina not you.”

"Come on Adam, she’ll never find out." Behait said grabbing Adam by the hand and leading him out the bar.

Adam knew what he was doing was wrong but being heartbroken and drunk he couldn’t control his emotion let alone his actions.

The morning after Adam woke up with the biggest hangover. He looked around to find himself alone in a hotel room not remembering how and when he got there. The only thing Adam remember was the fight with Christina and having a few drinks so he just figured that he got drunk and stayed in a near by hotel to not drive home drunk. He got up took a hot shower and got on his way to his house. He texted Christina asking her if they could talk and once she replied “sure” he was on his way over.

Once he arrived at her house he walked up her few steps to the front door and knocked feeling extremely sweaty from nerves.

"Hi." Adam said with the most apologetic face anyone could have.

Christina stepped aside giving Adam room to walk in.

"Look Chris I’m so so so fucken sorry about yesterday. I’m sorry if you’ve been feeling suffocated from me but I just can’t help but want to spend all my time with you." Adam said earning a smile from Christina. "I understand that you have a lot of priorities and that you try your hardest to make everyone happy and I’m sorry that I made it even that much harder for you. I promise I’ll give you space to breath but still be there for you when you need me… that is if you let me." Adam finished feeling almost desperate.

Christina walked towards him and put her arms on his chest. “I wouldn’t have it anyother way.” “Thank you.” She went up on her tiptoes and connected her lips with him.

"No! Thank You." Adam say rejoining his lips to hers.


Christina was now sobbing remembering their fight.

"You had sex with her the night that we fought and than had the decency to apologize to me the day after and not even telling me?" By now Christina’s blood was boiling with anger and disgust.

"Chris I didn’t know what I was doing I was drunk. And if the morning after if I had remembered that I had slept with her I would’ve told you." Adam said wiping the tears falling down his cheeks.

"Just because you were drunk doesn’t make it okay that you cheated on me." "You know what Adam I hope you get your shit together because that little baby on the way doesn’t deserve to have dad who doesn’t have any morals or respect towards anything. I’m done here…"

"Chris please." Adam begged now crying just as hard as Christina.

"I said leave." " I don’t have the time for this. I’ve been cheated on before and I’m not gonna let it happen again.  Bye Adam."

With that Christina walked up to her room leaving Adam alone not giving him the chance to talk.

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