Part 2

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After realizing where she was Christina looked around the room with a puzzled expression, she tried sitting up but felt an enormously amount of pain coming from her back and especially her head. She soon later felt strong arms on her shoulders gently pushing her back down against the pillow. 

"Hey don’t move, I’m going to go get the doctor, Max stay with mommy." Adam was about to leave when he felt someone grab his arm.

"Wait, I-I can’t remember anything." Christina paused looking around the room once again. "H-how’d I get here?"

"There was an accident, don’t worry about that right now. All that matters now is your okay." Adam said while stroking Christina’s hair. "I’ll be right back."

Once Adam left Max climbed the bed trying his hardest not to hurt Christina. “Do you remember me Mommy?” Max asked her with a worried look on his face thinking she didn’t remember him.

"Of course I remember you Honey." Christina said while grabbing her baby boy’s hand. "I could never forget you!"

Adam walked in with the doctor, and picked up Max giving the doctor some room. 

"Hi Ms.Christina, i’m doctor Lynn iv’e been in charge of your health for the past two weeks. How do you feel?"

"Like shit… I-I mean horrible." Christina mumbled "I feel like I got hit by a car! What happened?"

Doctor Lynn told Christina what happened and how she was in the last two weeks, she also mentioned how every time Adam visited her she got better.

1 hour later”

After getting exams done Christina was taken back to her room where she found Adam playing toy cars with Max.

"Did you really come visit me everyday?" Christina asked Adam after watching him put Max to sleep.

"Adam looked over at Christina with a shy expression and said. "Yeah I um came with Blake and CeeLo sometimes." Adam paused not really sure what to say. "I would bring Max to visit you everyday also! Hes really a great kid."

Christina looked over at her sleeping 5 year old and said. “He really is.” She looked back at Adam and stared into his hazel eyes holding her gaze on him for a while. “Thank You Adam.”

"F-for what?"

"For taking care of Max." She saw Adam look down with a disappointed expression on his face and realized he was expecting a different answer and continued. "For staying with me, for visiting me, and taking care of me. I don’t think I would be awake right now if it wasn’t for you."

Adam looked up at her and walked towards her kneeling down so that he was face to face with her. “Christina I-I have to tell you something and I don’t know how to say it.” Adam was about to continue but got interrupted by a finger pressed to his lips.

"I know Adam."

"What do you mean ‘I know’?" Adam said removing Christina’s finger and   holding her hand in his.

"I might have been in a coma but I still heard you." Christina  said grabbing Adam’s hand pressing her lips to it.

Feeling butterflies in his stomach, he got up and leaned down stopping not to far away from Christina’s face. “So….?” Adam asked nervously.

Christina placed her hand in Adam cheek and said. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” She leaned in closer to Adam and placed her lips gently on his.

1 week later:

Christina was finally being released from the hospital, her mom was helping for her get her things ready to be able to go home.

Adam walked in holding Max in one hand and  flowers in the other. “Hey   beautiful.” Adam walked over to Christina handing her the flowers and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Aww Adam you too sweet! Thank You!" Shelly said causing Adam and Christina both to chuckle.

"Don’t worry ma’am I didn’t forget you." Adam said while telling Max to give Shelly the flowers he had hiding behind his back.

After about an hour of getting ready, they finally left the hospital. Shelly couldn’t go with them because this was also the day she had her flight back home so instead she headed to the airport.

Arriving at Christina’s house, Adam rushed to her side and opened her  door surprising her with a kiss on her cheek and whispering “Welcome Home”; he than helped Max out of his car seat. Christina and Adam walked hand in hand to her front door chasing after little Max.

Entering her house she said “Well this is new.” She looked over at a puzzled Adam and continued. “I never thought I would walk hand in hand with Adam Levine…. at least not sober.”

"Well get used to it honey cause it will be happening a lot." Adam looked over at Christina and just stared at her like she was the most beautiful person in his eyes, and to him she was!

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