Part 4

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Christina had been locked in her bedroom for over an hour now and Adam was in her living room waiting, knowing Christina would need some space and time to think after what Adam had told her.

After waiting an hour Adam decided that it was time to talk to Christina and straighten things out.

"Chris… can I come in?" Adam knocked on the door waiting for a reply.

After no reply he went to the office where they kept spare keys of every room in the house and opened the door.

"Chris please we have to talk about this." Adam said almost begging.

"There isn’t anything to talk about Adam" "We both know what the right thing to do is." Christina said changing positions in her bed.

"And what exactly is the right thing to do?" "Leave you the one person I have ever truly loved and marry Behait just because she is… p-pregnant with-with my child? It doesn’t work that way" Adam said feeling mixed emotions.

Christina got up from her position in the bed and said. ”Adam I can’t be the reason why that baby doesn’t have both it’s parents with it, I know exactly what it feels like not having my parents together and I personally have to raise a child without his dad.” “You know how many times Max has asked me why Jordan and I don’t live together like the other parents at his school? It isn’t fair to him and I don’t want to be the reason why your kid will be asking those questions.” Christina finished laying back down trying to hold back her tears.

Adam stayed in his position almost getting frustrated. “I know it wont be fair to the baby but it isn’t fair for it to be raised by parents who don’t love each other, you of all people should know that.” “Christina I hate having to remind you of this but you know exactly how it feels like to be raised in a household where your parents didn’t love each other, if anything better this kid would be happier with Behait and I being apart.” Adam said now kneeling beside the bed where Christina laid.

Christina sat up realizing something about what Adam had said before. “How far along is she.”

"Why does that matter now?" Adam asked confused.

"Adam answer the damn question." Christina said getting more and more angry.

"Two months."

"Two months… Adam we’ve been together for over three months now." "H-how is it that she is only two months along when you guys broke up over five months ago?" Christina was now crying of both anger and sadness realizing what had happened.

Adam was at loss of words realizing what Christina meant. “Chris I don’t know  what your talking about.”

"Don’t even dare lie to me Adam." "Either Behait is lying about being pregnant with your child or… or you c-cheated on me." Christina sobbed moving to the other side of the room.

"Chris plea." Adam was caught off. 

"Actually no I don’t want to know." "Just please leave." Christina said opening the bedroom door for Adam to leave.

Adam knew it would be better to just leave knowing he wouldn’t be able to explain anything to Christina right know.

2 Hour Later:

It was now 1:13 am and Christina was still awake laying in bed drowning in thoughts and emotions. She decided she didn’t want to spend the night alone she so called her best friend Stephen Sollitto.

"Hey Stephen."

"Uh hi Chris what’s up." Stephen replied trying to hide the fact the phone call woke him up.

"I’m so sorry I woke you up but I really need you right now."  Christina said almost sobbing again.

"I’ll be right over." Said Stephen hanging up the phone.

Christina went to her kitchen to grab something to drink while she waited for Stephen. About 20 minutes ago she heard her doorbell ring and went to open it. Once she saw her best friend she ran up to him and let all her emotions out crying into his arms. 

They walked arm in arm to the living room and sat down in comfortable silence while Christina calmed down.  

"Whats wrong, What happened?" Stephen asked getting worried after seeing how defeated Christina looked and was. 


Christina explained detail by detail to Stephen and after crying some more they decided it would be better to change the subject and watch one of their favorite movies “The Sound of Music”. Half way through the movie they had both fallen asleep and didn’t wake up till 11:40 am.

"Ready to talk about it?" Stephen asked eating what was left of his breakfast.

"I don’t know, I’ve never experienced anything like this that it all just seems unreal, I-." Christina was caught off by the sound of her cellphone ringing. "It’s Adam, I can’t talk to him right now." She said pressing the ignore button.

"You know you’re going to eventually have to talk to him." Stephen said.

"Yes I know but not right now, I have a lot of thinking to do and he is the last person I want to talk to."

"What are you going to do about The Voice you’re about to start the live shows and it isn’t like you can just ignore him."

"I’ve done it before I think I can do it again." Christina said putting her plate in the dishwasher.  

"Chris you are the strongest most smartest person I know, and I know you better than anyone you either solve your problems or you ignore them and this isn’t something you can ignore because I know how much you love Adam and by ignoring this your only hurting yourself more." Stephen said trying to talk some sense into his best friend. "Here, I really wish I could stay with you but I really have to go." He finished by handing Christina her phone.

When unlocking her phone she got a text from Adam saying “Thank You”. Confused she went through her messages to realized what Stephen had just done; he sent Adam a text pretending to be Christina saying “I’m ready to talk if you are, you can come over in an hour” 

Seeing she had 45 minutes till Adam was supposed to be over she got ready and made her self look like she hadn’t been crying all night.

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