Part 6

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It had been weeks since Chistina and Adam had talked; aside from The Voice. Behati was now 4 months pregnant and they had just found out they were having a little boy which Adam was stoked about! Adam had decided to be with Behati thinking it would make everything easier.

After a lot of thinking to do and being begged like no other Christina had finally decided to take Matt back! She knew she didn’t love him and she was still extremely heart broken about Adam, but she decided to give it another try.

"Hey babe." said Matt walking into the bedroom where Christina layed. He walked up to her and noticed she had fallen asleep, he also noticed mascara running down her cheeks as if she had been crying. 

Matt decided to not wake her up and took the opportunity to go out with some friends. Leaving a note on the bedroom door letting Christina know.

Once Christina awoke, it was 6:13pm and she was starving. She sent Matt a text letting him know she’d seen his note. She couldn’t help but think of what had happened earlier that day when Matt was at work.

Earlier That Day:

Christina hadn’t been feeling to well the past few days and she had been throwing up a lot along with a lot of headaches, first thing she thought about was stomach flu, but than she realized she had the same symptoms to when she was pregnant with Max. So she decided to call Simone.

"Hey Simone, I need you to do me a huge favor."

"I’m scared to ask." Said Simone remebering the last time she did a favor for Christina.

"I need you to get me some pregnany tests."

"Christina… you didn’t."

"I think I might’ve. Please Simone I really need you to get me some, I need to know." Christina said while pacing back and forth.

"Alright I’ll be there soon."

About 20 minutes later Simone had arrived to Christina’s house.

"You owe me." Simone said handing Christina the pregnancy tests.

Christina ignored her statement and went straight to the bathroom. She took a few pregancy tests and after every single one of them coming up positive she knew she was having another baby.She figured it was Matt’s so she wasn’t to thrill about that. 

"You should go to the doctor and double check."

"Double check what. It only took 2 home pregnacy tests for me to find out about Max, I just took 5 and they all came up positive. There’s nothing to double check." Christina said trying to hold back the tears.

"Okay, but still you should go and see how far along you are and check your health and the baby’s health."

"I guess you’re right." Christina paused and just stared at nothing " I don’t want to tell Matt…"

"You have to tell Matt, he’s the father after all." "Wait. He is the father isn’t he."

"Of course he is Simone, who else could it be."

"Adam…" Simone said.

Christina stared at Simone with eyes of hate. She hated whenever anyone brought up Adam and in this situation she didn’t even want to consider his name.

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