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rebooting system.

Damaged eye. Needs repair.

Neck has been cut badly. Needs repairs ASAP.

Low on Energon. Suggested to refuel tanks.

All systems online. 



All systems online. 

       I slowly wake up in the dark foggy woods in a stasis pod, I groan in pain as my eye and neck as asking to be repaired, my sharp teeth quivering in hunger, I slowly get up and walk around aimlessly. I soon heard drilling in the distance my dragon-like tail twitches knowing there is food nearby.  I got on all four legs and started running towards the sound of drilling. soon I got closer some bot was shooting at me it was a drone of some sort, I bit
off the drone's head and went somewhere with the drone's body.


I lay down in my dragon form resting while my right eye and my neck was still damage but my tummy is full. I was in a decent cave and the cave was deep enough and big enough to hide me and from other creatures or species.  I smiled slightly and went into a deep sleep.

who knows how long I'll sleep.

The beginning of love REMAKETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang