Chapter IV

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    -Recap from the last chapter-

          I look at Soundwave and spoke."What are we going to tell Lord Megatron?" Soundwave looks at the freshly made hole then back at me."We tell-- Lord Megatron--the information--that we-- gathered." Soundwave spoke and made a ground bridge right in front of us and went through it. I was about to go through the ground bridge I heard a loud explosion, I turned to where the sound was and there was a large smoke cloud with a bit of blue in it.
"That must be her ship..." I sigh and go through the ground bridge.

-end of recap

-Midnight's POV-

         I jolted away, my vision was blurred, I could hear the explosions and gunshots going off, but my hearing was too damaged. I snapped back to reality as someone slap the conscious into me.

       "MIDNIGHT BLOODY HELL!!! YOU BACK ON ULTRATON YET!?!" Northcat shouted through the machine-gun fire and the heavy artillery from the opposite side. "Y...yeah..." I spoke softly while nodding. "You fucking scared the fucking gods out of me! I thought that frag grenade reset your bodily functions!" She grabbed my arm and bring me into headquarters "First of all what happened, second. How did we get here?" I looked at her still confused as ever.

      "Oh, my dear buttery ass hair... You LITERALLY forgot what happened!?" She did a facepalm at confused me. "Well yeah...?" I looked at her was a deadpan look.

                                                                 MEMORY CARD DESTROYED

              I jolted up awake looking around and saw Megatron himself in my room

-I must have been talking in my sleep..... fuck what type of shit did I unveil to myself now....?-

"Who is Northcat......Midnight? Does she hold some sort of significant other to you?" Megatron spoke with his eyebrow raised right at me.

              "From what I could remember......she is like a friend to me..... but I feel as though she is my significant other before I came here on earth... but I do not know what is my purpose on this planet, in fact, I don't even KNOW who I am fighting in my corrupted memory." I put my servos on my forehead as I tried to think. Megatron looks at me with a questioning look at his face. "So you're re saying that you have amnesia?" He asked me, I looked at him with a deadpan expression on my face. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

                                                                             .    .    .

           -Megatron's POV-

                  After having some conflict with Midnight, she agreed with me to go to Med bay to get her Cranial Lobe fix by our only medic. Knockout looks at me then at Midnight, he was about to open his mandible but quickly shut it knowing well that I don't like to be questioned. Midnight looks at me and decided to follow his lead. 
         "Knockout, I want you to access our fellow Decepticon memories," I spoke with clear intentions of accessing her personal life before she joins the Decepticons, after all, she could be a spy. Midnight look at me with confusion written all over her face.
"You said you will help me get my memories back trying to get information about me without asking me!?" Midnight growled at me, I gave her with one of my infamous death glare, she knows well that I could easily kill her but why take a risk of growling like she wants to fight me?

         "Don't test me Midnight, I could easily rip your spark out right here and right now,"  I growled letting my sharp dental's show.

                                                                                             .    .    .

     After some time arguing I had forced her into the metal bed, Knockout sticks a tube that s located underneath the table where her head was located. She continues to struggle in my grasp but luckily Knockout puts the restraints on her wrist so I don't need to hold her anymore, I went into the other metal bed and lay down on it. Knock out walks over to me with the same mechanical tub and stick it behind the metal bed, the last thing was saw was Midnight in a relaxed position. 

 .     .     .

              I woke up in a battlefield  I realized that I wasn't on earth nor in Cybertron, the Sky was purple-blue and the flaming hot ball of magma was covered by the ashes and smoke from the artillery. I walk around the battlefield in search of Midnight, after 4  minutes of looking for her I saw her with another femme who was attending her injuries, nothing too severe but her helm was slightly damage but her blood was..... dark Energon..... the blood of a unicorn.  The femme had cat ears and including a tail, her hair was glowing golden yellow and had a halo of an angel, she had the magnificent wings of a god. she had a uniform of a 2nd in command. The femme made contact with my red optics and spoke.

"YoU sHoUlDn'T bE HeRe......."

        All of a sudden everything became dark and red, the buildings the ground had to vanish into thin air anything that was an entity had become a glitch form of themselves everyone but Midnight who seemed to vanish like all of the objects. The femme who was damage and mangled in unimaginable ways her eyes were replaced by demonic unnatural pentagon like eyes that bleeds the color black. She disappeared and Midnight took her place, she looks like a god of death judging by her outfit.

    "Like I said.....I don't like it when people enter my maintenance frame, I hold sensitive information..... but you did help me retrieved my memories..." She spoke with such a sternest. "Well if that is the case then you could have just told me then and causing  all these ridiculous glitches in your cranial lobe of yours."  Midnight looks at me with one of the most or probably the creepiest death glares I ever saw
 "How could I......? I COULDN'T REMEMBERED WHO I WAS SERVING FOR IN FUCKING 3 WEEKS! DO YOU THINK I COULD TELL YOU EVEN IF I WOULD!?!? NO YOU FRAGGING PIECE OF USELESS HUNK OF METAL!!!  WHY BOTHER BEING A LEADER WHEN YOU COULDN'T KEEP YOUR CREW ORGANIZED YA IDIOT!!!!" She screeched at me at the top of her lungs, I think that's what she calls her ventilation. I flinched at first but my Energon began to boil, how dare she called me an Idiot how dare SHE out of all bots call me USELESS!


                                                                       .     .    .

-Midnight's POV-

            It's had been a frustrating month or two on this blasted ship, me and Megatron hadn't been friendly to each other later. It's not like anyone in this ship is friendly with each other, but from what I heard from a few of the crew members on this ship Lord Megatron had to intake some... Dark Energon. When I did hear about the news about this I became curious about this.

The beginning of love REMAKEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz