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I was surprised to say the least when I saw Shayne just walking around when it was frozen. I knew he had talked about it before but I thought he was making it up. And I mean I couldn't show a particular stance on it because I don't wanna give that away.

Its been two months since that happened and he's kept quiet about it and it's become just a secret between us. He helped me when I was freaking out over my sexuality and all my other problems I've had. I like talking to him alot.

We actually made a safe word for when he needed me to pause time. Its Creamed Corn. Something we don't usually say but can be incorporated into a conversation. And if he is texting he just sends an equal sign and I know what he means.

I'm glad we became as close as we did. We were already pretty close but now its like I trust him with any and everything. We've gotten so close that sometimes he'll just show up at night and I let him in through the window. And we just talk for hours until we eventually just go to sleep and then I freeze time at five-ish so he can home and not get caught.

We have alot of inside jokes now and if someone brings up something that reminds us of one of them we start laughing and we just get strange looks. Its great knowing he's there for me.

I get dressed wearing a navy blue and light blue striped shirt and some jeans and put on my shoes before going out and walking to Shayne's. I tapped on his window before opening it. "Hey gorgeous." I rested my head on my hand smiling at him. I was mostly joking.

He looked over putting on his blue beanie. "Gorgeous? You're getting nicer and nicer everyday." He said putting his shoes on and walking to the window. "What can I say you are." I smiled. He laughed blushing slightly. "I like your beanie." I said pointing at it. "Do you wanna wear one? I've got others." He said. I smiled nodding. He grabbed a grey beanie for me and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said. "I'll meet you out front." He said moving from the window. I nodded and closed the window moving back to the sidewalk and walking to the front door knocking. "Oh hey Damien. Shayne was just on his way out actually." Shayne's mom greeted me with a smile. "Wow really? Perfect timing!" I pretended to be surprised giving her a kind smile back.

Shayne walked to the door giving his mom a kiss on the cheek. "Bye mom. I'll see you at dinner. I'm gonna hang out with Damien after school." He said walking out. She gave a small smirk and looked between us before nodding. "Ok. Have a good day at school." She said before closing the door.

I put his beanie on after she closed the door. "You look nice with it on." He smiled. "Your mom definitely thinks there's something going on between us." I laughed slightly. "You saw her smirk and look between us too? She's probably going to ask infront of everyone at dinner." He sighed saying the last part.

We walked to school talking the whole way and stopping when we met up with the squad. They had a few other people with them. I'd seen them around before but I never actually talked to them. "Hey who's this?" I asked. "Oh this is Josh, Mari, Ericka, Wes, David, and Matt." Courtney pointed to all of them. I notice Ericka smiling at me shyly.

"Are you wearing one of Shayne's Beanies?" Olivia asked. "Yeah. I asked if I could wear one." I said. "It looks good on you." Ericka complimented. I smiled and said a small thanks. We all talked for a few minutes before we went off to class.

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