Chapter 9 - Iris Eloclipse(edited)

Start from the beginning

Kaden had started attacking Memphis, who fought back. More shockwaves shattered glass as the two exchanged blows at speeds only mid-tier divine knight could track. To those under divine knight, it would look like blurs moving rapidly if they could see them at all.

If things continued this way, then Iris would have to resort to Star Goddess mode. If things came to that, Kaden might not survive...

Rain fell lightly from the sky.

She warped, appearing behind Kaden and grabbing his tail. She caught both him and Memphis by surprise as she spun with Kaden before slamming him downwards against Memphis, who slammed through the roof he was on, destroying the whole building.

Iris felt a twinge of satisfaction.

Kaden snatched his tail away from her and the two assaulted each other with blows and strikes from all angles midair. Now, Iris resorted to using her Warping Step more often, as it didn't take was 10 times faster than her current mana output.

Now, Kaden had become even faster and stronger. Each attack emitted a shockwave that could be felt half a mile away. Weaker buildings crumbled under the intensity of the shockwaves.

Iris slipped an attack from Kaden and found an opening. "Grand Stardust Prison."

A sphere made of an enhanced version of Stardust formed around Kaden. The material emitting a soft blue flame, trapping him in a spherical prison. Banging could be heard from the outside as he tried to break free as the sphere plummeted towards the earth, leaving a crater upon landing. Iris landed atop, wiping the blood from her nose.

"Good luck breaking this," Iris taunted Memphis.

This was just a portion of the godlike power Star Titannia possessed. It would take for Memphis to perform a two-star transcendence to break through this prison and Iris knew he wouldn't risk it.

If he transformed, then she would, too.they'd still be at a stalemate, where one wrong move could mean death. Being surrounded by enemies would put him at a disadvantage. He didn't trust the Vympiri to watch his back as they would drain him dry the moment they got the chance. Someone with such a strong lifeforce would grant them full maturity. In a weakened state, it would be like taking candy from a baby.

It began to rain harder.

"Damn you, Iris!" Memphis shouted as he tossed aside a large piece of rubble. Rage was in his facial features. "Since I can't kill him, I'll kill their daughter!"

Kariah-Belle! Iris thought as she turned around to search for the girl. Evilbarers had snuck up behind her and she slew them almost instantly.

She felt Memphis behind her. A floating wall of Stardust intersected his kick. Iris exchanged blows with Memphis. Stardust formed on command. Iris willed it to attack and defend as necessary.

Suddenly, his fist emitted midnight black Mana. This Mana had stars flowing through it like before. He swung his fist, a barrier of Stardust formed to protect her, but it was useless. His fist smashed through her defenses and connected with her face.

Pain exploded throughout her face. Even with the increase in durability her Mana skeleton provided, the blow was like a thirty-ton blast. She was sent flying through the air and crashed through a skyscraper. Then, he stretched out the same fist that was emitting that black, starry mana.

"Die, brat!" He shouted at Kariah-Belle. A beam of black, starry Mana shot out at her. A beam like that would obliterate everyone next to Kariah-Belle.

Iris tried to warp. It had been eleven minutes since the courtyard and she had warped over thirty times. She had hit her limit and had to wait for a cool down. She let a string of profanity to escape her lips.

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