Chapter 3 : Under The Moonlight

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Thariaa :

It was the first day of Eid Al-Fitr (عيد الفطر) (Eid Al-Fitr is religious holiday celebrating by Muslims that marks the end of "Ramadan" (Ramadan (رمضان) is an Islamic holy month of fasting), which the celebration takes 3 days after Ramadan ). Uncle Saqr and my father decided to place the wedding to make the celebration twice, for Eid Al-Fitr and my sisters and cousins wedding.

5:30 pm, ladies were outside cooking traditional Emirati food for the serving.

For starters they serve Al-Jabab bread (خبز الچباب) ( Al-Jabab bread is kinda similar to pan cakes, it has this syrup that have rosewater, cardamom and honey. It is also counts as Emirati desserts.). And Harees (هريس) (Harees is a boiled dish, cracked, mixed with meat.). And for the main course, they are serving two dishes, Machboos (Or Kabsa) (مچبوس) (Machboos is a family of mixed rice dish, it is made with rice and meat.) and Meat of Tannour (لحم تنور) (Meat of Tannour is A pot buried in the ground, in almost half of which is an iron net placed the meat on it, and under the nets, wood is placed.). For desert, we have Bathieth (بثيثه), (Bathieth is made of dates, butter, brown wheat, rosewater, almonds, hazelnuts and sesame.), Sagao (ساقو) (is a jelly-like texture and is made of semolina, saffron, cardamom and a whole lot of sugar and ghee.) Dates khabeesa (خبيصة تمر) (it is dates add a dose of sweetness to the wheat, water and sugar mixture. ). Overall, what is the most important is Qahwa (قهوة) (Arabian Coffee) and tea passing around our gusts.

I was helping my mother, because my mother was looking if anyone from the gusts needed something, so I helped her helping serving the food and passing the perfumes and Bukhoor (بخور) ( Bukhoor is used to give their clothes an exotic seducing smell). . As I am moving around I've heard ladies gossiping about me saying :

"You see this beautiful girl ?"

"Of course, Thariaa? The brides youngest sister"

"She is such a great girl! Look at her helping her mother!"

" I wonder who is the lucky man that will wins her heart and lives happy forever after with her!? "

I walking walking around and suddenly I stopped ... " Lucky ...? ... " I took a deep breath and walked away.

" Thariaa ? ... Thariaa ? ... Thariaa! "

" HUH!? " I turned and saw aunt Azza calling me, Luliwaa's mother,

" Y-yes aunt A-Azza "

" Are you alright honey ?"

" Y-yes ! " I replies with a smile,

" Heehee .. Alright honey, can you please look Luliwaa for me ? I asked her to bring some saffron, she didn't come yet, take this lantern, it is dark outside ... incase if you walked far from here "

" Of course! " I replied as I took the lantern and ran looking for Luliwaa.

I asked the ladies around if they saw Luliwaa,I was walking around a bit far from the wedding party, I was calling for Luliwaa, I've heard some whispers, I got close to the sound and I saw Luliwaa, I was about to call her but ... I saw Shaheen with her ... I placed the lantern on the ground and listen to them talking,

" You look so gorgeous tonight ... " said Shaheen

" h-hehee .. T-thank you Shaheen .. " replied Luliwaa

Shaheen was staring deeply into Luliwaa's eyes, he hold both her hands and said " Luliwaa ... Tomorrow morning ... I am leaving the country with my father ... "

" R-really ... ? ... oh ... "

" Yes, ... You know my brothers journey ended .. I'm next ... *sighs* ... I wonder how the world outside looks like ... My brothers said it looks way different from our country ... Really different .. Green lands, rivers and mountains ... Cars! ... Everyone ride cars ... not only the rich people ...",

My Unfortunate Life (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें