Chapter 1

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Encre POV

I jolted awake, taking ragged breathes and grasping a hand to my chest,i took a moment to breathe and then began to chuckle softly to myself. « juste une rêver, merci dieu.. (Just a dream, thank god...) » I mumbled to myself, the tired daze finally wearing off enough so I could take a good look at the room I had awaken to.

I felt overwhelmed with a sudden fear as my eyes caught sight on the first imprint they saw of where I was. This was not my home, not my bed, not my walls, not anything at all I recognized.

Though it looked to be a beautifully kept room, I didn't have the time to busy myself with it, I had to address one throbbing question 'Where am I?'. To do that. I would need to get up, and to get up I'd need to calm down enough to stop shaking.

I took a few steady breaths, count to three inhale, count to three exhale, repeat. Soon enough I could stand and I pressed my feet onto the carpeted floor, quickly making my way to the door, only to be met with the another twisting pang of fear as the handle wouldn't budge, it was locked.

My next thought was the window, it opened and I quickly looked outside, only the be met with a night sky and what looked to be at least a two story fall, I closed it again and looked all around, knowing there's no way I would make it to the ground let alone through the night.

my eyes grazed every nook and cranny, But there was nothing, I had no way to get out of this until whoever kept me here decided-

« Oh! You're finally awake!~ I gave you quite the scare didn't I hm? » the voice cut off my thought and I turned, looking at the holder of the husky voice, it was no other than the man who'd taken me the night before.

I just stared, taking in his details, a long black cloak lined with red on the inside, a black skull it's blue fire like marks etched into the side by his eyes, and- Oh goodness, fangs.

« Speak when spoken to Encre, i don't advise keeping me waiting. » his voice was sterner this time holding a growl purely to intimidate me.

I nodded quickly, trying to push away my fear enough to speak, i switched to my shaky grasp of English, as he was speaking the language himself, my voice having a thick french accent I could only hope he would decipher the poor English through « P-Pardon Me!..y-yes you're did s-scare me.. » i managed to spit out through all the shaking.

« Ah, i could tell, you look absolutely petrified now, but you needn't fear, I'm not going to hurt you right now~ » he purred, snaking an arm around my waist, looking at me with a smirk to his skull.

'Right now' meaning he had plans for it later, or perhaps he was just trying to scare me, I haven't any idea, i just need to get out of here.

I shivered at his touch, wanting it gone but not daring to utter a command, not wanting to upset him « P-Perhaps...y-you could sh-show me the way out...? » I sputtered, closing my eyes to try and calm my breathes again.

« Hm~ I don't think so, I need a painter for my manor, and you fit exactly that, not to mention I need someone different from the staff to keep me company~» he spoke, his voice still smooth.

« F-find another then! I-it's not me y-you want! » I said,bordering on sobs, wishing ever so much just to be able to leave.

« Oho But dear, it is~ you're staying here with me until you dust~ »

(Hope You Enjoyed Chapter 1!)

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