Chapter 9: So This is Them

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 Natsu's POV:

We were on the train, heading towards the beach. The ten of us chosen to compete in the GMG are all going to train as hard as we can for the next month. Well, eight of us will be training our hardest. Gray and I would be training, just not as hard as we could. Don't want people to figure us out yet do we? 

I was pretending to have motion sickness when Gray decided it would be fun to mess with me. "Jeez, even after all the training you did, motion sickness always wins. It's pathetic." He gave me a shit eating grin. I scowled the best I could while pretending to be sick. 'Shut up Ice Princess.' 'Make me.' We continued our playful stare down, though if we could fight in our minds, I'd be beating the crap outta him right now.

The train began to slow down, just as we were able to see the beach. The train pulled into the station and came to a stop. We all got off the train and looked towards the bleach. Clear water, even clearer sky, no people... wait... "Uh Gramps, why are we the only ones here?" "That's easy. I rented out the whole beach!" "It makes perfect sense. We all need to train our hardest, and we are a destructive group of people. If other people were here, they could get seriously injured." "Erza has a point. Now, let's head to the resort."

When we got to the resort, Mira and Erza went to get us signed in. The rest of us were examining everything in the lobby. It was huge! The ceiling was high enough for this to be atleast three story building. There were fancy couches and even fancier wall decorations. Heck, there was a chandelier.  The girls had come back over with what looked to be about 20 room keys. 

"Ok, everyone partner up, except for 3 girls. We need a group of three girls since there is an odd number. Girls with girls, boys with boys." "Once you partner up, come get a key, get settled in, and do whatever else you feel like!" 

Gray and I were going to room together. The other groups were Erza & Mira, Laxus and Guildarts, Levy and Lucy, Cana, Evergreen, and Juvia, Lisanna and Wendy, Jet and Droy, Bixslow and Freed, and Gajeel and Elfman. Gramps, being Master and all, got his own room. We all got our room key and headed to our respective rooms. While we were walking off, my enhanced hearing aloud me to hear a 'Why couldn't I be with Natsu/Gray-sama?! Stupid girls with girls rule.' I told Gray and we quietly laughed to ourselves.

When we got to our room, we saw it was a standard room. There was a desk, closet, bathroom, couch, t.v. lacrima, and bed. One bed. I chuckled to myself. The girls just had to make sure there was one bed. 

We put our stuff down and decided to explore the resort. We found a pool, which I found odd since we are at the beach, a small gym, a hot spring, a small cafe, and the hotel restaurant. We decided to get some food since it was already sundown. It was a nice dinner. Gray and I were relatively quiet throughout the meal. 

When we finished, we headed back to our room. We both stripped down to our boxers and got comfortable in bed. We watched 'Bleach' on the t.v. lacrima. It was pretty good. Spiky, weird colored hair for the win!

When we finished watching 'Bleach' it was around 12:30, so we went to sleep. Not before a pillow fight though. So we actually went to bed around 1:00. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

*Time Skip Next Morning*

Gray's POV

I woke up, only to find myself about to fall off the bed. I rolled over and looked at Natsu, and he was already awake. "Dang it! I was so close." "Close to what?" "This." Then, Natsu pushed me off the bed. Natsu started laughing at me. "You should see your face!" I grabbed a pillow from the pillow fight last night and threw it at him. I hit him square in the face and he stopped laughing. We had another pillow fight after Natsu threw his pillow at me. 

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