Chapter 2: Return Home pt.2

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Me and Gray were back at the guild hall, wondering how to enter. We eventually decide to enter with the cloaks still on, but the way I always did. So I kicked down the door. When the doors opened, everyone was quiet. Then Erza said, "Who are you?" Lucy said, "Those are the guys I walked here with!" Then Gramps said, "What are your names?" Me and Gray smiled. Then, Gray said, "Who do ya think Gramps?" As he said that, we tore of the cloaks.

Erza's POV:

They took off their cloaks and, "N-Natsu. Gray. Y-your back?" I had to mak esure I wasn't dreaming. "This isn't some dream right." Natsu laughed, "You bet it's us Erza." I ran u to hug them, but Laxus got in front of me, "How do we know you guys aren't impostors?" Gray said, "Well for one, we came back exactly 3 years after we left/ Second, we look like us last time I checked. Third, I called the master Gramps, which last time I checked was a thing only Fairy Tail wizards do." "Yeah. And isn't it rude to suspect your family when they've come home after 3 years?" Then Cana said, "What is oe thing that only the real Natsu and Gray would know about the guild or its members. We will believe you if you can tell us things that are guild known only." I saw Natsu and Gray look at each other. Then they nodded and went on a huge list of things only Fairy Tail mages would know. "Me and Natsu always got into fights that ended when Erxa smashed our heads together or when Gramps stopped us all, Mira is the Fairy Shipper, Erza goes crazy when it comes to strawberry cake." "Guildarts and Mystogen are never around, no on ehas seen Mystogen's face except for Gramps, Cana's one true love is alcohol." "And if the third member of this plan carried out his half, their should be a shift soon." Everyone was shocked. I don't know whu, I mean I could have told them it was them. These two idiots are brothers to me for Pete's sake! I pushed past Laxus and hugged the two mages standing in the doorway. "I'm so happy you guys are back!" I looked up at the 2 people  in front of me and they smiled. 

Natsu's Pov: 

Erza ran up and hugged us. We hugged back of course. I mean, she's our sister! Then, I heard a voice I would never forget, "NATSUUUUUUUU!" Then, we were attacked by my flying cat, Happy. "It's good to see ya agan little man! How ya been?" "Good! Erxa didn't try to kill me!" Then, a new member to the guild, Lucy I think, said, "Wait! You two are 2 of Fairy Tail's strongest wizards?" Me and Gray laughed to ourselves. 'Now THE strongest,' said Gray telepathically. "Hey. What's so funny? Did I say something?" I replied saying, "No we just remembered something funny. And I just remembered something else! MIra! You promised our favorite food when we came back!" She smiled and said, "I'm on it!"

We were about to sit down and start catching up with everyone when Gramps yelled, "Wait! Did you brats say something about a shift when you were listing off secrets?!" Me and Gray looked at each other again before I said, "Yeah! He might be back. We ran into him about a tear and a half ago while training and we told him when we'd be back. He said he'd try to be back around the same time." I looked around. Everyone was shocked and happy, but there was one confused face in the crowd. Lucy said, "Um. Am I missing something? I realize I've only been here for a few months, but what is the shift for?" As Mira was giving us our food she said, "The shift is for a who no a what. The entire city of Magnolia has a way to shift, forming a pathway straight to the guild when a certain mage comes home. He's so strong and his magic is so destructive, that we have to shift everything to make sure nothing is destroyed!" Lucy sat there, looking dumbfounded. She was about to ask who it was for, but we heard bells ringing of outside. Everyone was quiet, only for a second, but then there were loud cheers. The guild was even crazier than normal. Then, we heard the alarms, "Prepare to commence Magnolia's Guildarts shift! Citizens please take you designated positions immediately!" There was loud noises from outside. Then, the ground started shaking. Lucy, having never seen the town shift, opened the doors and watched the town move. A pathway was formed straight o the guild. Then, we could see a figure wearing all black walking down it. 

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