44: Would you have loved me if you had known?

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"The fairy godmother went to the Yukino household to help Eira get ready for the Royal Ball, then she hurried off to the castle. While the servants were bustling around trying to prepare for the grand event that would take place, the anticipated star of the night, Shiki, was relatively idle once he was dressed and groomed. Thus, when the fairy godmother arrived in his room he was sitting on a chair reading a book."

Madoka squinted when he saw the book's colourful cover from a distance. "Hm? What's this? Are you reading a book that isn't some dry philosophy or history text? How unexpected."

Shizuka looked up in surprise, then immediately frowned. "Where have you been the past few days? Did something happen?"

"It was evident that the normally collected prince had been worried. This made the fairy godmother feel an inexplicable rush of warmth flowing into her heart but outwardly she maintained her usual facetious behaviour."

"I had fairy godmother responsibilities, my dear." He sighed dramatically as if he had really been busy and sat down right next to Shizuka. "I'm so hardworking it pains me sometimes. In fact, this very visit could be considered a business trip."

"What business do you have here?"

Madoka returned her question with another question. "Do you remember our agreement?"

"You'll help me understand the true meaning of love and in return, I'll fulfill a request of yours." Realization dawned on her face. "Are you here to make your request?"

"Indeed," he answered. "You may feel that it's unfair of me to come to you when I have yet to uphold up my end of the bargain but I assure you, this is fair for when you fulfill my request, you'll come to understand what true love is."

Shizuka appeared astonished for a few seconds but very quickly she regained her composure. "So what is your request?"

"Later, when the ball begins there will be a girl who will arrive at quarter past eleven. She'll have a lovely appearance and a distinctive pair of glass slippers. When you see her, ask her to dance. While you're dancing together, get to know her. Ask her questions. Find out things like what she likes and what she dislikes, what she does in her free time, what her aspirations are, those kinds of things. In turn, answer any questions she may ask. Let her find out things about you. Treat her courteously but with genuine kindness and openness. Throughout it all, just let your heart dictate your actions." As Madoka spoke his tone was slow and steady and there was a smile lingering on the edge of his lips.

One of the standing viewers of the play gently slapped the wall in grief. "Ahh, Semi-senpai's acting in this scene makes me want to cry!"

"I'm already crying!" her friend furiously whispered back. "Seeing him repress his sadness is killing me!"

Unaware of the emotional turmoil that he was causing, Madoka continued, "If you do that all that then, I promise everything you wondered about regarding love will become clear. Good luck on your final assignment, my dear first, last, and only student."

"Final assignment..." Shizuka reflected on these words for a moment before somewhat awkwardly asking, "If...by chance I still am unable to comprehend true love after tonight would you still be willing to act as my mentor?"

Madoka froze. Then, a moment later he replied, "I'm afraid that won't be possible."

"Oh." Shizuka appeared downcast. "Can I ask why?...Is it because you're fed up with having a student like me?"

"No! Really, it has nothing to do with you," explained Madoka. "You know how I've always referred to myself as a fairy godmother in training right?"

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