23: Let's fill our days together with even more unforgettable memories.

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Umi took a deep breath and moved to open their gatcha with trembling hands. Slowly, she unfolded the slip of paper to reveal a startling 1110 points.

"Uwaaaah oh my my my my! Couple number two received an additional 1110 point which brings their score to a grand total of 2870! That means our seventh Heavenly Match is couple number two, Nagi Sora-san and Ikeda Umi-san!" announced Tegaru spiritedly as she began clapping loudly.

While some in the crowd seem displeased as they had been supporting couple number three, they too eventually began to clap and cheer when they saw Shizuka and Madoka genuinely applauding for Sora and Umi.

Although Shizuka normally found pleasure in being first, in this instance she was completely fine with having lost to couple number one. This was mostly due to the fact that she honestly felt that Sora and Umi were a compatible and amicable couple who deserved the title of a match made in heaven and because she hadn't really put her heart into winning this time.

"Congratulations, couple number two!"

"Nicely played!"

The three couples were assembled on stage and various staff members handed out the prizes in order from third to first.

Mari and Kuzuda were visibly disappointed when they were handed their matching couple shirts and signed CDs but Shizuka thought that even that was more than they deserved.

Following them, Shizuka and Madoka received a small satin covered box as their second place prize. With anticipation, Shizuka opened the box. Inside was a set of beautifully and intricately embossed silver bands.

Finally, the first place prize was given to Sora and Umi who still seemed to be equal parts shocked and jubilant that they were the winning pair.

"Could you tell us how you currently feel, Nagi-san and Ikeda-san?" asked Tegaru with a bright expression.

"Truthfully we didn't even dream of winning first place," admitted Sora. "But I'm really happy we won because it was my selfishness that led us to be here..."

Sora lowered his head for a while before looking up and smiling melancholically. "...Truthfully, in the five years that Umi and I have been together...I've never been able to give her anything significantly valuable. Not once could I buy her a designer bag or an item of jewelry because of my own financial struggles. It's shameful, I know..."

Sora paused and glanced at Umi with a complicated expression. "So when I found out that we could win couple rings on the show, I agreed to participate right away because I really wanted to win them...It might sound conceited but just once, I wanted to be like any other boyfriend who could give the person he loves a small but tangible token of his feelings for her..."

Sora's sudden and heartbreaking admission made a few people's eyes well up.

Umi whom had been quietly listening with moist eyes finally spoke up with a shaky voice. "I-I won't allow anyone to belittle the person I love the most, Sora, e-even if it's you, yourself.."


"Your love is the most wonderful present I could've ever received, so don't say you've never given me anything valuable..."

With glistening eyes Sora revealed, "We've been together for five years and with each passing day I find myself falling more and more in love with you but I was afraid. I was terribly afraid that someone as lacking as me, wouldn't be able to bring you happiness. That's why I started to take on so much extra work even when you told me not to because my health was failing...A part of me was terrified that you'd leave, but another part of me was thinking that if you did, it'd be for the best..."

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