Extra 32.5: I like being needed by you.

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*This story occurs as Shizuka and Madoka are preparing for the school festival and just shortly after Shizuka was hospitalized.*

"C'mon, Madoka! I already said I was sorry like a hundred times! Can't you just let it go?"

Madoka finished chewing on his food before he coolly replied with, "Likewise, Shizuka. I already said I wasn't mad at you the same amount of times so there's really no point in us still discussing this."

"Not mad? Then how do you explain this?!" Shizuka slammed the lunch box in her hands on the table. Because the two were at their usual lunch spot on the roof, Shizuka was free to express her annoyance in full without ruining her carefully maintained image. "This bento consists of 65% vegetables, 25% rice and 10% meat! It's basically a neatly arranged salad!"

"This is the amount of vegetables you should be consuming every day."

"Yeah, if I was a rabbit!" Shizuka crossed her arms and made a face. "......Tch, I can't believe you're still mad at me for saying you have a girly figure. How petty."

"I was never mad," Madoka patiently reiterated.

Shizuka rolled her eyes. "Uh huh, sure. Whatever you say, ojou-san. This is why guys who are honest about their feelings and don't hold grudges are better. I bet if I dated someone as nice and considerate as Satoru-kun he'd let me eat whatever I wanted."

Madoka narrowed his eyes. "I can make it 85% vegetables and 15% rice tomorrow, you know."

"Tch, you're the worst," stated Shizuka as she picked up a piece of broccoli from her heath conscious bento and munched on it unhappily.

"For the record though, Satoru is even stricter than I when it comes to eating a balanced diet. He's in charge of making meals for his entire family and to ensure that his younger siblings are getting all of the nutrients they need to grow, he's very meticulous in his cooking."

Shizuka's eyes grew wide. "Wow, Satoru-kun really would be a good catch."

"...You know I suddenly remembered that my house seems to be out of rice." Madoka beamed. "You wouldn't mind having a 100% vegetable bento, right?"

"........If it comes to that I'd rather make my own bentos......." Shizuka paused as she thought of something. "Actually, why don't I do that tomorrow?"

"Do what?"

"Make my own bento!" exclaimed Shizuka.

Madoka thinned his lips. "Shizuka, I was kidding."

"Well, I'm not. I want to do it! Tomorrow morning I'll get up a bit earlier and make both of our bentos! It can't be that hard can it?"

"You really don't have to, Shizuka. Whatever you want to eat tomorrow, I'll make it for you," remarked Madoka sincerely. "I promise I won't mess around anymore."

"Finally admitting to the fact that you were messing around, huh? Well, it's no matter." Shizuka patted her chest and adopted a lofty tone. "As I am magnanimous, I shall pardon your previous indiscretions since you've been rather useful and well-behaved thus far, my faithful servant."

Playing along, Madoka lowered his head in a humble fashion. "I am grateful for your kindness, my lady."

"As you should." Speaking in her normal tone she continued, "But seriously though, what should I make for us tomorrow? What's easy but tasty?....Eggs?...Something fried?....Hmm..."

Madoka frowned. "You're still going on about that? Normally, you have a hard enough time getting up for school at your usual time but now you want to get up even earlier to cook?"

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