The Little Girl: Echo

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Fallen leaves crunched underneath her feet as she stumbled through the foggy forest, her breath could be seen like smoke in the cold crisp air, her hair seemed to be wet and matted almost frozen to her delicate face, her cheeks the shade of raspberries, the little stuffed bunny in her arms looked ragged and worn, one eye missing. The nightgown worn by the girl, previously white, was now a dark color that couldn't be identified in the dark of the night, her skin pale against the piercing cold of the winter's night. 

The girl continued to sluggishly walk in the bitter cold, visibly freezing as she shook, each step feeling like knives slicing the bottoms of her feet, though she wouldn't dare cry as she knew it would freeze upon her face. Her vision only increased in blurriness with every step she took, soon enough all feeling in her body diminished, she couldn't feel when her body had hit the ground, though she could see it. It seemed to be hours of lying in the snow, unable to move, unable to speak, slowly freezing to death; however, in reality it was only mere seconds. 

The girl's fuzzy vision picked up movement in the distance, her heart fluttered a little in hope; hope that someone would save her and take her away from her pain and suffering. The figure approached the small form of the child and leaned down placing a warm, reassuring hand on the cold girl. The figure, from what she could see, was wearing a black hoodie and had a blue mask with a sort of black looking goo coming from where the eyes were supposed to be, she assumed it was a male, maybe around his teens. He picked her up gently and slowly, careful not to hurt her, as she looked at him she felt a sense of relief overcome her shivering figure. She saw the extended limbs of the trees going by as he walked with her in his arms, warming her so she regained some feeling. The moon was bright in the sky, like a calling card to the wolves of the mountains, she looked at it hazily her eyes soon shutting, sheilding her eyes as she was swept away into the world of dreams.

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