"He goes for an scan at two-thirty, would you be able to come with me? I don't think I'll be able to go through this alone," Louis asks, trying hard to keep the tears in.

"Yeah, I can do that. It's around their nap time, so maybe if we go in with them when they are passed out, it will go quicker?"

"Yeah, they said it's usually a quick scan, but it will take longer if he squirms around," Louis explains, sighing softly.

He pulls into the carpark of his flat, and squishing his phone between his cheek and his shoulder. He works on getting the kids out of the car, and up to the flat. Once inside, he sets them down on the floor, closes the door behind him, and locks it. The two kids start playing with some oversized plastic Lego's, while Louis is still on the phone with his mum, and starts making them lunch.

"I'll be over about one? I have few things to do, love you Lou," His mum says.

"Love you too mum, be careful," Louis says, before hitting the end button.

He sighs loudly, and pinches the bridge of his nose lightly. He needs to get a grip, and be strong for his kids. He can't act the slightest bit scared or his kids would know something was up. He heard his voice chimed, and he looked down at the screen. He didn't know the number, but went ahead and answered it anyways.


"I remembered," Harry's low voice said.

He could see the way his lips held the smirk, and how his mouth formed around his words. Louis took a deep breath, not wanting to deal with him right now, or any time for that matter. He honestly didn't think Harry would remember his number, and now he was kicking himself for not changing his number like the shit did.

"I guess you didn't think I would remember, eh?" Harry asked, chuckling slightly.

"You got me there," Louis replied, trying to figure out what he was doing before Harry called.

Oh yeah, make the kids lunch and try not to fall apart. Louis opened the fridge, and pulled out some softer bread, and some jam, placing them on the counter, he grabbed the peanut butter.

"So how about a cafe date later..?" Harry asked, and Louis could nearly laugh at him.

Louis was always the one who set up dates, mostly because he had a car and was the older on in the relationship at the time. Now Harry has the money, the fame, and the cars, but Louis still has age on him. Sighing, he opened the lids to both cans, and got out a butter knife.

"I don't know Harry, I kind of work at a cafe right now," Louis replied, and could've shot himself in the foot for it.

"Well, maybe for a break could I come in, and could we catch up?" Harry asked, and Louis could picture him either biting his bottom lip, or biting the pad of his thumb.

"I honestly don't know, I usually work the night shift," Louis explains, smearing the jam over the bread.

"Which is?" Harry presses, and Louis knows Harry isn't going to let this go.

"About five pm to ten pm, it makes good pay," Louis says, trying to focus on the sandwiches.

"Could I take you out before that?" Harry asks, and Louis has to shut this down.

He know his mum wont be able to come any earlier, and Louis really didn't want to see Harry right now. He knew that someone him having kids would come up, some how, and Louis didn't really want Harry right now; or at least that what his mind told him.

"Probably not," Louis replies, cutting the sandwich in half; one half for each babe.

"Please Louis?" Harry asked, and Louis knows he's going to give in.

Tongue Tied [larry mpreg] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora