Introduction | ✤✤

Start from the beginning

"I'm Jinhee," I answered quietly, pulling both of the straps tightly to my chest as I breathed out softly in the cold air, a wisp of fog escaping my mouth as I did so. "And you?"

He smirked back at me. "I'm Kim Seokjin, or just Jin. Hey, do you want to hang out tomorrow during recess?"

I was surprised, since people usually didn't bother to approach me, and yet this boy was being so kind to me.

My heart thumped with excitement at the fact, and I would have liked to talk with him more, but I was running late.

"I have to go now..." I said with a pout. "I hope to talk to you again, Jin!"

And with that, I skipped away, and when I was far enough, I was grinning ear to ear because I actually socially interacted with someone.

But that smile didn't last long when I tripped and fell into a puddle on the way home.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After that, the days that we had together passed by in a flash. They were the greatest days of my life. Even when he was killing me with his dad jokes (though I would secretly laugh at them while my back was turned. Don't tell him.)

- - - - - -

"Hey, why are you named Jinhee? I'm the 'he' here. Shouldn't you be Jinshe? Jinhee and Jinshee."

"Oh gosh, Jin."

- - - - - -

"I'm hungry..."

"You're Hungary? Norway that is true! Why don't you eat some Turkey?"

"That's worse than the basic 'I'm hungry' joke."

- - - - - -


"Checker out! She's on fire in this game, ready to pawnce on my king!"


- - - - - -

So yeah.

There was that.

But besides that, I felt that this routine would stick with me forever.

We would grow up together in our hometown, share great memories, and that would be that.

But I guess you never really know how valuable something is until it's taken away from you.

- - - - - -

"W-we're moving?"

"Yes, Jinhee, and I know it seems sudden, but I've found a great job opportunity in Canada. It seems like a wonderful, nice-paying job, and they'll help provide for the expenses of living there."

My father's voice was clear and loud, and yet they didn't seem to reach my head as I tried to decipher the words that he had just said.

"But...South Korea..."

But Jin.

I don't want to leave after making a good friend who actually talks to me, who understands me.

Why does this have to be taken away from me?

I cried a lot that night, muffling my sobs in my pillow and tossing and turning, not wanting to leave the place where I had spent my childhood in.

There were so many great memories that were attached to this place.

The last day of primary school in South Korea was painful. I was awfully quiet that day, and Jin had been looking at me with concern.

I was constantly hiding behind my bangs.

Finally, when he asked me what was wrong, grabbing me by the wrists and gazing into my eyes, I blurted out that I would be moving from today onwards, all the way across the globe.

I still remember perfectly his look of pure shock and dismay that made me feel like crying even more than I already did.

This would be painful for the both of us, and I didn't want to sever the ties that we both had.

The rest of the day, Jin kept on joking around, except the jokes all seemed forced and just an attempt to make me smile.

Looking back on it, I wish that we would have enjoyed that last day a bit better, but I guess it was hard for us to cope with it.

"I-I guess this is goodbye, Jin. I really don't know what to do about this..." I felt like I was going to cry in front of him, but I really didn't want to.

I wanted to show him that I was strong and that I'd be able to handle myself. "I hope again?"

Jin's eyes were clouded for once, but he nodded at me firmly, giving me a smile. "We're never truly apart, Jinhee. Maybe we'll meet again."

Just when I was about to turn around and go, he suddenly shouted, "Wait! I need to give you something." Confused, I turned back, tilting my head to the side inquisitively.

Before I could say another word or even blink an eye, he shoved a piece of paper into my hands. It was a drawing of two flowers, their leaves intertwining with one another.

It wasn't exactly the best drawing, appeared to have been made hastily with crayon, and the petals converging sharply with one another, as if he didn't find enough space on the paper.

But it was perfect.

I hugged the drawing, bringing it towards my chest with teary eyes, before racing towards him and tackling him in an embrace.

I thought I would never really encounter him again. Canada felt like an entire other world away from South Korea.

At least, I thought so.

- - - - - - - - - - -

When I got off the plane, my hands shaking with anticipation and my mind whirling with thoughts, I entered the busy airport in Canada, where people were roaming about.

There were signs everywhere that I could not comprehend, and I realized that it would be hard to get accustomed to a new language.

The crowd seemed to choke me as I stood there, keeping very close to my mother who was whispering comforting words in my ear.

She knew that I wasn't fond of the idea of moving. She had heard the sobs that had been coming from my room, and she has tried to help, but I felt devastated.

As I exited the airport, however, I straightened my posture, knowing that Jin would want me to be strong. No, this wasn't the last time that I would see him. It couldn't be. It won't be.

"I'll be back Jin."

"I promise."

~ ~ ~


Tysm for reading this reader-nim~ we're so glad that you stopped by and clicked on this fic, even if it is our first installment as of now.

Basically, this account, SM_Fics, is a partner account between us two friends, who you can call Swaeg and Mochi. Basically, our usernames are like a play off of "SM entertainment" lmao.

Here's how our author's notes will work: the normal text represents me, Mochi, and the italic text will represent Swaeg. :)
If the text in Author's Notes are in italics and underlined, that means a message from both of us.


AYO WASSUPPPPPPPPP. We hope you enjoyed our story :') We took a while to finally post this so PLEASE if you don't like it, just leave. But if you dooooo, comment and vote! We will try our best to post a new chapter every week but if we don't, we're probably really busy with school. That's all from me for now, byeeeeeee. *throws smoke bomb* *tries to run away in time before smokes clears but fails and trips*

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