{ New Experiences }

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Jungkook's POV
BEEP BEEP BEEP. Jungkook groaned, smacking his hand down on the fragile alarm clock that lit up his confused face with red. He couldn't stand that damn thing. The covers were yanked and he got up, grabbing his clothes that he sat out the other night. It was the first day for him at the high school so it was a pretty big deal. Most people said that Kookie should've been born 2 years earlier since he looked older than most, but had the mindset of a child sometimes, so it all canceled out. "Ahh, Jungkook the pancakes your mom made are getting cold...hurry up~" That's Kim Taehyung, his best friend who slept over that had the skin complexion of an angel but voice deeper than the ocean. He was amusing, almost perfect. He snapped out of his thoughts and ruffled his hair a bit, rushing to the kitchen. He didn't even bother to put any syrup on them, shoving the pancakes into his mouth. "We need to be early in case our lockers don't work." Tae agreed and washed his plate, grabbing his bag and some gum. "Ah!" Jungkook put up his finger to motion him to wait and rushed to the bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant and not too much cologne. That's when he rushed out the apartment and onto the sidewalk since the school wasn't too far. They walked up to the large building that had several different sections and it was actually quite intimidating. Jungkook looked around before getting hugged tightly by someone that had grey hair. It looked so soft and he knew exactly who it was. Park Jimin. "Ah, I've missed you guys" He ruffled me and Tae's heads. Jimin was a junior like JHope, his other older friend. They were all pretty good friends but JHope was just recently introduced before the end of last year. Speak of the devil. "Hey guys!" JHope announces, giving a slight wave and running up to them. The bell rang so we had to split up again. Jungkook found his locker and got into it with ease, grabbing his things and headed to class. The day went by pretty quick and last block was canceled for an assembly. "So don't forget to sign up for any clubs! It can be a great way to really find yourself or even relieve stress here and there. New friendships can always be made as well." After school, him and Tae met up at the bench that split roads leading to their houses. "What club are you thinking of joining?" Taehyung asked, pointing to the paper they were given with all the options. Jungkook bit his lip. "Do you still think I'm good at drawing?" Tae nodded. "I want to join the art club and dance...just not really sure I want to be in a room full of senior and junior artists that are way better than me. Hell, even sophomores." They finished their convo then headed opposite ways. Tae wanted to join the dance club as well but most of all he wanted to join cooking just so he could cook for his mother who was ill. He always had a kind heart like that.

Music In the Dark (Suga Kookie -or- Yoonkook) BTS Fanfic by @_serendipityy_Where stories live. Discover now