Second Wife

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Title: Second Wife

Author: Mounchy

Author: Mounchy

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Being a second wife a is rather like learning to perfect a set of aerial maneuvers. There are seriously complicated stunts involved-- trapezing around the First wife, learning when to disappear and resurface at exactly the right moments, tolerating your mother in law and enduring the concubines and how to get the husband in your bed.

No one expects to be a second wife. No one does.

o o o

This book is really exciting. I've been waiting for a novel where the MC is mysterious, and even the readers have to keep guessing some of her secrets. The MC uses her own wits to survive in a world where the second wife is held lower than the first wife; she doesn't flaunt her beauty nor is she overly cruel for no reason.

I liked that the Male Lead isn't overbearing, and he himself is pretty interesting to get to know. And unlike the usual tropes, he's not some general, prime minister, or a prince. He's a vice minister of defense, but he's rising through the ranks, and he's getting there on his own. It's nice to be able to see the Male Lead rising to power instead of him first entering the picture when he's already that might general or prince. Because the MC helped him to get there in a way. I love their interactions and watching them fall in love.

The writing is descriptive, but fast-paced so that it never drags and keeps you hooked. It paints these beautiful pictures in my head and keeps bringing me to see more. The plot isn't the overused kind seen in other palace or scheming kind of stories either so it's a little fresh.

It was a pretty nice read, and I really liked it. You guys should give it a try.

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