"It's not even that funny," Tony muttered irritably, his tail twitching behind him.

"It's your fault for pissing off a witch," I grinned at him.

"It wasn't my fault," he snapped at me. "I didn't mean to."

"And yet here you are," I laughed, "speaking to me as a goat."

Jaime continued to wheeze on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks until he was gasping for breath.

"Can you just change me back," Tony said fiercely. "Please."

"Okay, okay," I abided.

I looked him over one last time, assessing the characteristics of the spell that had been used. It was an easy enough charm to break (for me) and nothing I'd never seen before.

I found myself slowly growing more disappointed that this was barely more than lifting a finger for me.
I was craving a challenge, something difficult that would have me frustrated and bending over backwards to accomplish. Everything was just so boring and easy. It took all the adventure and excitement right out of life entirely.

So when Kellin popped into the room after Jaime and Tony had left, I found myself grinning harder than I had before and beckoning him into my lap.


"This literally looks like schoolwork," Kellin frowned, looking down at the rune books in disscontempt.

"What would you know?" I smiled. "You never did your schoolwork yourself."

"Because it was lame," Kellin argued. "Why waste my life away on that crap when I had you to do it for me?"

"And that's why you failed."

"I never failed anything," he said and then paused as he considered it. "Well I never failed after I turned sixteen."

"Ah. When you figured out you had the ultimate cheat in your back pocket?"

"Yes, exactly that. I was literally born with an in-built life-hack, Vic."

Kellin was referring to his gift of being able to draw onto the abilities of other people. If he wanted to, he could be on par with me - which made both of us the most powerful wizards in the world.

But Kellin hadn't ever used his powers for anything drastic after the whole accident at school. Something in him had clicked and now that we had started spending more time together, I was slowly noticing it.

It was almost as if he were afraid of himself and what he was capable of. I couldn't blame him for that though. Maybe I'd been such a big factor of that insecurity as well.

"Do you have to do all this boring stuff?" Kellin whined, swinging his legs impatiently.

I had to shift in the chair to accommodate for his weight, wrapping one of my arms around his waist to stop him from moving.

"I'm deciphering the tunes so that I can-" I explained.

"Oh my god no I don't care," Kellin interrupted. "It looks boring already I don't need you to further cement that idea in my head."

"Then go home if I'm so boring to you," I said playfully. "Where are you now?"

Kellin thought for a moment. "I'm in a lovely little house in Milan. You should come visit."

"Milan? Never been surprisingly. I'll come sometime with you."

"Oh fantastic, let's go then."

"What? Now?"

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant