2. King Mario of Cramalot

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 Ever since the incident, Princess Violetta reverted to her more quiet state, lost in thought. She was having feelings conflicting within her that she never knew she had, he had never lashed out at her like that. She held her chest where she was feeling pain deep inside. Unknown to her a curtain green reptile was feeling the same thing, he tried to shake the image of her out of his head and his claw twitched over his chest. This feeling made him even more cruel and bitter to those around him. He always toyed with the heroes and thought nothing of it. Then the flirting with the purple princess was just so he could see the cute embarrassed and uncomfortable look on her face. But now he doesn't know what to do so he tried to push these feeling deeper inside of him. Meanwhile, the heroes of our story were in the land of damsels in distress and knights in shining armor. The legendary Camelot.

"I sure hope Mervin the magician can help me free my people from the evil King Koopa," said Princess Toadstool.

"Again," Amelia says, "it's almost every week the same old thing with this guy."

"We don't even know if this guy is for real or not." Toad replied to the pink Princess comment. Then the sound of buzzing caught their attention.

"Hey, that buzzing is for real!" Luigi said to the group.

"Must be a beehive nearby." Mario concluded, "and where there are bees. There are ravioli smothered in honey."

Vi gagged at the thought of Mario's weird taste in food while Amelia and Toad licked their lips. Vi gasped pointing to the swam up above them.

"Those aren't bees!" Toad gasped. "They're Beezo Bandits!"

"Beezos away!" One of them ordered as they dived at the group. The heroes then jumped over the Beezos charging at them.

Mario and Amelia ran over and pulled a large red berry out of the ground and threw it at the Beezos. "Take that you Beezo bozos!" Mario shouted hitting one in the stomach the other Beezos turned to him and buzzed angrily.

"Look out they're coming back!" Luigi yelled in fear. A burst of purple smoke appeared in front of them and revealed an old magician with a long white beard.

"Beezos be gone!" He commanded and waved his wand. "Abracadabra! Buzz off!" With a strike of magic from his wand, the Beezo Bandits vanished.

"That was awesome!" Amelia shouted and ran up to him with stars in her eyes. "Can you teach me that!? Uh! Can yah!? Can Yah!? Please! Please! Please!" She was on her knees begging at his feet. Resulting in her brothers having to pull her away from the old wizard who watched in confusion.

Lavi rolled her eyes as she and Princess Toadstool walked over to him. "With magic like that," the pink princess said with a hopeful gaze. "You must be Mervin the magician."

"At your service princess's." He said with a bow. "Wait till you see my neato magic cave and crystal ball."

The heroes arrived at Mervin's magic cave when the wizard began, "it was King Koopa who sent the Beezo Bandits after you."

"Cranolas, here in koopalot." Luigi hit his forehead correcting himself. "I mean Koopas here in Cranalot." He hit his head again. "I mean-"

"Koopas here in Cramalot." Amelia said boardly as Vi turned her back to everyone while she rubbed her cheek. "When I get my hands on him he's going to pay." Amelia grinned evilly while rubbing her hands together.

"Little sis, you can plan your revenge plans letter." Mario patted her back with a sigh.

"Ah sheesh, let's just split this place," Luigi suggested.

"What's that crud Koopa doing here?" Toad asked.

" I'll show you." Mervin had everyone gather around his crystal ball. "Just cross your fingers that my ariel is hooked up." Amelia did as told as they all leaned in. Koopa appeared in the crystal ball leading an army into Cramalot castle. "When the old king died. Koopa moved into his castle and crowned himself king."

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