5. Rolling Down The River

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The River World, on a riverboat paddling down the river, the heroes are working to save Princess Toadstool, who is being held captive on the Sinister Star. Along with Queen Violetta, who also was still being held captive aboard under the command of Captain Koopa. The green reptile was wearing his new uniform and was pacing back and forth on the deck. Queen Violetta, in a female sailor outfit sitting nearby, had given up trying to escape a few days before being forced aboard. She is also a lousy swimmer, and with her phobias of deep water and the things in it, yeah no chance of her running off, which is most likely why the Koopa had not tied her down. He was aware of her fears and used them to his advantage. Koopa had also kept her by his side since her capture; if she was honest, it wasn't as bad as she thought. Suppose you look past the part of being held prisoner against your will. Stockholm syndrome was starting to scare her.

Mouzer, dressed as a pirate, comes out of a hatch. "First Mate Mouser reporting, Captain! No sign of stowaways!"

"Fool!" Koopa replied, marching over to the mouse, "Those pinhead plumbers are bound to try and rescue Princess Toadstool! And Vi too!" He picks up Mouser by his collar and throws him down harshly. "And I intend to capture them before they do! Outta my way, rodent!" He stepped on Mouzer's back, and the rodent cried out in pain. "Watch Vi and make sure she stays out, or I'll kick you overboard!"

Below deck, the brothers who are dressed as gamblers, are playing cards at a table with two Troopas and a Goomba. On the table is a pile of gold coins. "All right, gentlemen, any sevens? No? Well then, go fish!" Mario says triumphantly. The Troopas toss their cards in the air as the red plumber in disguise pulls all the coins toward himself.

"How much longer we gotta keep these guys busy?" Luigi whispers to his brother.

"Til Toad finds the princess and Amelia finds the queen, or I win all their money!" Mario whispers back.

Meanwhile, Toad, dressed as a waiter, walks around the deck carrying a food tray. He then stops at the door guarded by a Goomba. "Captain Koopa sends ze happy birthday cake for Princess!" He lifts the lid, revealing a sloppy pink birthday cake. "Voila! Hey." He exclaimed as the reptilian caption who walked up behind the mushroom lifted Toad.

"What kind of birthday cake?" He asks.

"Then, the happy!" Toad replies nervously.

"Happy? Imposter, I never use the H-word!" He said Toad accidentally dropped the cake, revealing a file, hacksaw, and two drills hidden inside.

"Whoops!" Toad says, and Koopa opens the door and tosses the mushroom inside the cell next to the pink Princess.

"Oh no! Toad, it's you!" The Princess exclaimed.

"Who did you expect? Pee-wee Herman?" The mushroom comments in reply..

Koopa then shuts the door and barricades it with a plank of wood. "Now all I need is those faucet freak Mario Bros!" He says to the goomba guard.

Meanwhile, the brothers, are still gambling against the troops. Amelia, in a pirate attire, runs up to them as Mario pulls another pile of coins toward him. "I don't like it! Toad should've been back by now!" Luigi says and sees Amelia. He gets up and walks to her, away from the table, "Oh Amelia, your back. Did you find Vi?"

"Yeah, she was on the deck with the rodent, and before I could get to her, that stupid Koopa arrived and took her with him." She growled in frustration. She knows she can't take him on her own.

Mario stands and joins them, "You both worry too much!" A Goomba then hops by them with a plate of drumsticks on his head. "About the time the food came!" He proceeds to chase after it and grabs a drumstick. Two aces fall out of his sleeve when he takes a bite, and the troops gasp. "Uh oh!" Mario says, covering his sleeve.

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