Chapter 8

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"So where to egghead?" Maleakhi asked for the fifth time

"Will you stop calling me that? I'm a human not an egg." Sachio said with a frown.

"Woah there your majesty. 'Egg' is just a term us commoners use to describe you people because rich people are like eggs, fragile. "

Sachio rolled his eyes. It's been 4 hours since they left Mal's house and the entire time all he did was list of all the reasons why he hated noblemen and in extention, him probably. At noon they stopped at a small village called Jokarta where they had lunch and stocked up on some matches and blankets. Sachio did most of the talking while Maleakhi mostly just stood outside the shop.

When she saw the items Sachio had picked out the lady behind the desk asked "Where ya goin' champ?"

"We're going to a mountain. Me and my friend are going trekking."

The lady looked around quizzically "I don't see anyone else here."

"He's waiting outside."

Suddenly Maleakhi barged into the shop and grabbed Sachio by the arm. "Sorry to interrupt the conversation but I need a few words with this guy." he mumbled apologetically to the cashier, "We'll be back." He continued before quickly pulling Sachio away from the counter.

Once outside, Sachio yanked his hand off of Maleakhi's grip and glared at him, "What gives?!" he complained.

Maleakhi quickly puts a hand over his mouth "Shhh! Look!" he whispered, pointing at a two men dressed in black tunics and carrying broad swords on their back. One of the men was talking with the innkeeper with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Yeah, they're egg's Maleakhi. How surprising. I know you hate them but so what?" he asked while pushing away his hand away.

Maleakhi sighed, "Look closer genius, the poster has your face on it."

Sachio just raised a brow, "That's impossible! I didn't do anything wrong!"  he argued.

"Hey! Not so loud!" Maleakhi whisper shouted as he frantically tried shush Sachio again but it was too late. One of the men heard him and looked towards the duo.

He bumped his friend's shoulder and looked towards the duo with a glare, his friend's eyes widened in and they slowly approached the duo

"Uh oh." Sachio mumbled,

"Run!" Maleakhi screamed as he pulled Sachio's wrist.

This time Sachio didn't argue. They ran, and the two men ran after them. Sachio wasn't as fit as Maleakhi nor the two men. Although they both got a head start, Sachio was falling behind and the two men were gaining on him.

The chase continued until they were out of town. Maleakhi ran into the forest and Sachio tried following after him, but Malekahi was too fast and the trees were blocking his sight. He kept going straight and eventually, he stopped and looked around.

Sachio desperately wanted to call out for his not so friend, friend. But he knew he was risking both his and Maleakhi's safety. So he tried to walk slowly and find maybe a footstep of his friend's shoes.

From behind him he can hear approaching footsteps getting closer and closer. "Mal..?" He whispered, hoping he was correct. There was still no response. Slowly, Sachio moved towards the footsteps, a tight grip on his rapier but from the midst of the forest, the two men emerged. With a shaky hand he gripped it and showed it to them, "I won't hesitate to use this!" He shouted.

They looked and each other with smirks on their faces. One of them nudged the other, "Come on, let's entertain him."  He said. His friend just shrugged and drew his sword before stepping forward.

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