Chapter 4

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After they left the castle, his dad turned to him with a disappointed expression.

"I expected better behavior from you young man." He said with a frown, "Had your mother not taught you enough?"

"But dad!" Sachio grumbled, "She was at fault! All she did was complain again and again and again about the things that we already went through when we negotiated the design!" He complained as he raked his hair.

"That may be true Sachio, but that doesn't excuse the kind of behavior you showed in the throne room. What good is a tailor who can't keep his emotions in check? Dealing with clients like these are basically our job son!"

Sachio looked at his shoes, obviously ashamed of himself. He messed up and there was nothing he could say that's going to justify that.

He sighed, "Sorry dad..." He mumbled quietly

His dad shook his head, his frown still etched on his face. "You musn't let your emotions get in the way of your work Sachio."

"Yes dad." He mumbled as he looked through the window of the carriage, wanting to avoid any eye contact with him.

When they finally got home, Sachio's mother was there at the door to greet them, a wide smile plastered on her face. Though, her smile faded when she saw the look on Sachio's face.

"What's the matter?" she asked, worriedly looking at her husband.

With an exasperated sigh, his dad told her what happened and her face wrinkled into a look of disgust. "Ten years Sachio. Ten years we've spent preparing you for this very moment and THIS is how you behave? I thought we raised you better than this!" His mother stated frustratedly.

"Yes mother." was all Sachio could say, not even daring to look at her in the eye

"I hope you understand that the way you acted was brash and impulsive and if not for your father, could have caused our very business to be shut down!"

"Yes mother."

"Go to your room and think about what you did young man!"

"Yes mother."

When he did, he threw himself on the bed and proceeded to vent out his frustrations by violently screaming into a pillow. He was angry. But he wasn't sure who he was angry at. He was angry at his mom for pulling the 'you could've been better' card, he was angry at the princess for being an arrogant little chienne. But most of all, he was angry at himself. Looking back at the situation, he felt stupid for snapping like that. He let anger and exhaustion rule his train of thought. He's smart god dammit, he should've been able to convince his client in a more civil way, isn't that the whole point of being a tailor? He felt like a failure and in some ways, he was.

Eventually, he fell asleep from exhaustion but woke up feeling more exhausted than he did last night.

When he went down to have breakfast his parents were already waiting for him.

"Good morning Sachio." His dad greeted while his mother didn't even look up from reading the daily paper.

"Morning dad."

"Your father and I talked it over last night and decided that we haven't been strict enough on your customer service skills." His mother cut off, still not looking at him, "So from now on, we're going to make you handle negotiating with the clients at the store."

Wow, yeah, makes perfect sense right? Your son sucks at negotiating so now you put him in charge of negotiating, yeah, great job, was what he wanted to say but instead the words that came out of his mouth were "Please don't..." He weakly mumbled

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