Chapter 2

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The next morning, Sachio got up and quickly got ready to go, the quicker he gets this over with the better. He put on his best clothes, ("When negotiating, one must look as dignified as one can") grabbed the pouch filled with gold coins for payment, and pinned the family crest on his coat. "I'm off! Bye mom love you!" he shouted.

He walked until the mansion was no longer in sight then sighed in relief, if there was one thing good about this stupid trip, it's that his mom can't make him do any more stupid 'quests'. The sun was hot in the sky and soon, sweat drenched his clothes and his knees started aching. Not to mention the people he met were all commons with their faded waistcoats and bland dresses, disgusting. Whenever he passed someone he would feel their eyes on him and every time he passed someone, he would grip just a little tighter on the pouch filled with gold coins and the knife he had smuggled out of his dad's office. After what felt like hours, he saw a house in the distance. It was just like the other tudor houses with the exception of the big glass building behind it.

Sachio stopped in front of the house and knocked on the door. Nothing. He tried knocking again. Still nothing. He grumbled in frustration, "Really? Why do I, the heir to one of the most successful companies in Alligera have to do such dirty work?"

Suddenly the door opened with a loud creak and he came face to face with an old woman in a dirty grey cap. "Oh hello, forgive me if I took a long time. These legs aren't what they used to be" she said kindly

"Uh... yeah, hi, my name's Sachio Arnault, I'm here to buy a plant."

The old woman smiled "Oh yes of course, but before that, come in son, you must've walked a long way. A little rest and some soup would do you good."

Sachio hesitated, his mom told him never to eat food given by strangers because the world is full of bad people who'll literally stab you in the back and run away with all your money. He was about to decline but his stomach rumbled in protest, he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I guess a few minutes wouldn't hurt, he thought as he followed the old woman into the house. The inside of the house was quite dark because unlike the windows back home these windows were clouded over with dust, the floor was just dirt, and the dining table was only fit to seat four to six people, how sad.

"Have a seat son, I know it's not much compared to where you rich men live but please, make yourself comfortable."

Sachio sat on a chair and he felt the seat sink a little under his weight. If the old woman saw the look of discomfort on his face she clearly didn't care. She turned to the old pot hanging over the hearth, scooped some mystery soup into a deformed wooden bowl and offered it to him. He took a spoonful and tried his best not to gag, it tasted like rotten cabbage and moldy meat. With great difficulty he managed to swallow and cleared his throat "Thank you for the uh...soup, ma'am, but now can we talk about the plant?"

"Oh! Yes, of course, silly me. You want the kalaparu, don't you?"

"The kalaparu, yeah. "

"Yes I thought so, a lot of people search for the magical wish fulfilling tree from the ancient times, of course, not  everyone's lucky enough to obtain one so easily and of course the tree itself is not what it used to be. The poor thing's been through so much it can only grant one wish every decade now."

"Sounds about right, is this enough for the magic tree?" he asked while taking out the pouch of coins.

The old woman laughed and pushed the pouch away from her "No payment necessary my dear, I'm an old woman, I've had my use of it. I'd like to spend the rest of my days peacefully with what I've gained over the years. But you, why do you want it? You don't seem like the type to believe in magic."

Sachio laughed nervously "I don't. Pretty sure my parents don't either. But they wanna show it off to the other people, you know? Show them who's best? And I've read it used to be a symbol of wisdom."

"That is true, the kalaparu is a symbol of safety, wisdom, health, as well as happiness" She explained as he led him into the greenhouse.

In the center of the greenhouse was a plant about five foot tall, no leaves, and covered in small white flowers. Basically, it was a regular magnolia stellata. "This can't be it"

"Oh but it is! Don't be fooled by it's humble appearance, I assure you this is the kalaparu tree. If you don't believe me go ahead, make a wish. But as many, many stories have told us, be careful what you wish for."

Sachio scoffed, terrible way to act in front of a client but he had enough of this 'magical tree' schtick. "All right then, I wish I can go on an adventure, not the errand running kind, but the actual life threatening one, like the ones in the books." He waited. Nothing happened "See? Nothing happened."

Once again the old woman just smiled "Indeed, well, you better get going now, wouldn't want to keep your mother waiting."

Sachio lifted the plant which was surprisingly light into an old wagon. "Thanks for the plant. I know you said you didn't need it, but here-" he shoved the pouch of coins into the woman's hands, "-if you don't take that, my parents will say I didn't follow the correct procedures of deal making and give me a four hour lecture." when he stepped outside, the sun was already starting to set. Strange, he didn't think he spent that long in the old woman's house. Hopefully he didn't get too much dirt and dust on his clothes. 

"I'm home!" he shouted once he was back within the Arnault mansion's walls.

"Welcome home sir." Jaxen greeted.

"Did you get the plant?" the smile on Sachio's face melted, replaced by the poker face he wore most of the time when talking to his parents. 

"Yes mother."

His mom looked over his shoulder at the small plant in the wagon and gasped "Well, this certainly is the Kalaparu plant. Now, did you ask the woman selling it if it granted any recent wishes? "

"Yeah, of course I did, she said she used it to wish for new gardening tools a year ago." he lied.

Mrs. Arnault held her gaze for just a little longer before looking back at the plant "What a shame. Well, it doesn't matter. The point is we have it now, Jaxen, take it to the garden, have it planted in the center."

The family butler bowed and did as he was told. Sachio watched as Jaxen disappeared behind the garden door before excusing himself to go and get ready for the night. He needed a nice long bath and some hot cocoa after being out with commoners for an entire day. 

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