Chapter: 1

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^pic above is of Lyra^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

14 years have past since the separation of these two twins thus where our story begins...

Im sitting on my bed staring out the window ,daydreaming of one day visiting that gorgeous castle.As I constantly watch the castle my mother calls me from the kitchen.

"Lyra my darling could you please come down and finish your chores, i need you to go get bread from the bakery for supper"

I jolt downstairs grabbing my light blue coat and a bread basket, I slide on my black leather boots and head for the bakery.As i head towards the door i give my mother a kiss on the cheek and she hands me 2 pounds and says softly "bring me four loaves of bread".

I exit the door and take a deep breath before i run across town to the bakery.I get there with time to spare before supper.I catch my breath and walk inside the bakery.

"Good Evening Mrs Ellyn, may i please have 4 loaves of bread" As I Think about the number I'm confused why I'm bringing 4 loaves as I normally buy 1 Loaf for the each of us.

"Ahhh lyra my favourite customer i'll bring them straight out of me oven"Mrs Ellyn replied cheerfully.

As she brings out the freshly cooked batch of wholemeal bread my stomach starts to grumble as the smell of the bread fills the air.As i watched the bread being placed onto the tray i imagine the way it would dissolve in my mouth as the flavours explode on my tongue.Mrs Ellyn hands me the bread and i place it in my basket covering it with a dishcloth.

Mrs ellyn gives my a smile and says "2 pounds please".

I hand her the money , say thank you and make my way out of the bakery.The bread was warm in my basket as my mother always taught me to cover the bread with a dishcloth to keep it warm during my walk back to the cottage. I continue my way walking towards the town square when the royal messenger is at the message board.

He clears out his throat and reads the scroll in his hands."All Children ages 14-15 will attend the prince's ball on january 14th, also winter taxes are to be paid at the fire hall .That is all from there majesty's King and Queen ".

As i hear the message my heart leaps with joy and i run to tell my mother the great news ."A ball on MY birthday Mother A BALL" I exclaimed as i enter the house twirling.

"Lyra did you get the bread?"

"Why on earth are you talking about bread when i have just told you the most wonderful news?"

"Lyra there are hungry people in this family and i can't afford to spend the money to buy the food if i buy you a ridiculous dress, so Lyra you shall not go"She asserted.

"But m-"

"No but's Lyra and i mean it this time"

As i hear those words i run to my room and close the door shut.I fall on my bed and sobbed into the pillow.


-Lyra's Mother P.O.V-

As she runs to her room i hold my tears and until she's out of site.Why do i have to keep her from this.Only if she knew the real reason why.

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Sorry for the short chapter But next chapter is even longer.

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Till next week 😉~

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