Enough, time to escape.

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January 30th, 2017. 4:07am
I've had enough. This has gone on too long. I just can't take it anymore!
I'd tip-toe up to my room and grab my big backpack. I'd go through my drawers grabbing some clothes, and other various things I'd need. I'd grab a picture of my father, my REAL father and shove it in the backpack between some clothes. I'd grab a blanket and put it on top of everything else. I looked around my small bathroom sized room for where I had hidden my wallet. I had to hide it or my dad would take everything I had again. I'd climb on a chair and reach a shelf which had a jar, and pictures on it. I had a think picture frame which I took down from the shelf, and opened the back. I took out my wallet and put the picture back. I'd jump down, pick up my backpack, and tip-toe my way to the front door. You'd open it, and quietly shut it behind you. You breathed in the fresh, and cold morning air. It had snowed the night before, and you had no coat. You were freezing. You'd walk down the driveway, ready to start a new life, ready to forget your past, when suddenly you heard someone say "Now, just where do you think you're going, sweetie?"
You'd stop frozen in your tracks. "Shit... it's him..." You'd slowly turn around and face your "father".
"I'm going to school, daddy." He'd smirk. You hated calling him that, but you knew it always let you get away with things. "Heh... Well, I haven't been to school for a long time, but last I checked, you don't have to be there until 8:10 in the morning." He'd say, looking at you with a devilish grin on his face. You'd stutter a quick response "I have to go to the library and be there early to work on a project!" He'd chuckle and walk towards you. He'd stand tall above you, grabbing a lock of your long, brown, hair. "Such a pretty girl" He'd say, twiddling with the hair between his fingers. He'd lean down to your ear "It's good for you to think about your future, your education. You're so pretty, yet all that time you could be spending with me, you waste on studying." He'd say, whispering. He'd walk back to the front door and open it. "How about you stop standing there making excuses, and come inside with me. Let's have some fun." He'd say, waiting for you to walk inside with him. You'd look at him, then the road, then him, then the road. "No. Never again." You'd say. You start running down the middle of the road. It didn't have much snow on it, so you could easily run. You'd hear that monster calling out to you. "Y/N! GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN B**CH!" You didn't listen and kept running. He wasn't chasing you, and by the time you stopped running, it was pretty far away from him. You'd stop running, panting, and tired. You were overwhelmed by this whole thing, you started to close your eyes, but you jolted yourself awake. Then suddenly, you heard a sound going *HONK* very loudly. By the time the sound reached you and you figured out what it was, it was too late.

You'd black out
You'd be next to your monster of a father. He was touching you, kissing you, licking you in many places on your body. You tried to yell at him to stop, but nothing came out when you spoke. You started crying, it was all you could do. He started moving down your stomach, placing light kisses. He'd get to your pants and start pulling them off, when suddenly... You saw a white light, and heard beeping and people talking.

You wake up. It was a bright room with machines, and you had a needle in your arm. You'd look up and see 2 men talking. A doctor, and a tall, buff, tan, bald man. They'd notice you awake and start walking towards you. "STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!" You'd back up in the hospital bed, and they'd stop walking. "Dear, are you alright? What's your name?" The tall man would say to you. You'd look back at him and respond cautiously; "Y-Y-Y/N. Y/N L/N..." You'd manage to stutter out. The tall man would look at you and reach his hand out for you to shake. He'd look at you straight in the eye, and you'd cautiously shake his hand. "W-where am I?" You'd say while shaking his hand. He'd let go of your hand, and calmly respond; "You're in the hospital. I found you lying on the road. My name, is George Washington. It's nice to meet you."

Cliffhanger  >:D
I'd write more, but I need to sleep. I'll add more good stuff to the next chapter. Hopefully make it longer, too.

I hope you all enjoyed part 1! I'll post more tomorrow if I can!

Word count: 869 words

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