Chapter 9: I Need You Back

Start from the beginning

"Oh okay, well we can go to the caf or something right?" he asks.

"Of course, I'll see you later. Bye!" I say.

I walk back into Chance's room and see him in the bed watching a some sitcom, and eating ice cream.

"That filling you up?" I startle him.

"Definitely," he says rolling his eyes. Then patting the space beside him. I go and sit next to him.

"Want kind is that?" I ask him pointing towards the delicious treat sitting in his lap.

"Strawberry. Want some?" He asks nodding his head towards the table next to his bed. There's a spoon sitting there.

"Uh, you sure?" I ask.

"I don't think it would matter whether I was sure or not. With you drooling over it, you would probably end up taking some anyways." he scoffs.

"Nuh uh! Your such a liar!" I laugh and gently thwap him in the arm, aware that he's still probably in pain. He still winces in pain.

"God, I'm sorry."

"Gawd Ellie! That hurt!" He said, but I could tell he was stifling a laugh.

"Don't do that. Your gonna end up making me actually hitting you" I warned.

"You wouldn't do that," he says.

"Wanna test that theory," I say raising my hand.

"Dare you," He says staring me in the eyes. I haven't noticed till now but his eyes are gorgeous. They are a really deep royal blue. They look like the night sky after a thunderstorm. I'm not sure though, but they are gorgeous. Ugh, I'm gawking again! What were we doing again? Oh, yeah...

I raise my hand a tad bit more and go through the movements of a slap towards his arm. I stop myself before I actually make contact though. He doesn't even flinch.

"Were you not scared that that could hurt? Are you not in pain?" I asked him.

"I'm a man. I don't feel pain." He simply told me.

"Really? That was such a guy thing to say." I told him.

"It's the truth. True men don't feel pain." He said matter-of-factly.

"You wish." I scoffed. I stuck my index finger out, and softly touched a scrape that was on his head. His eyes narrowed just a bit but other than that showed no signs of pain. This scrape had major bruising around it and was still fresh skin. I would imagine that it just being there hurt, let alone me touching it.

"How are you showing I no signs of pain?" I huffed throwing my hands into the air, directing towards him. "That has to hurt."

"What can I say, true men don't feel pain." He said.

"You are merely a man. You are barely a senior in high school, you just don't want to be weak in front of a girl."

"Hey, that would be a blow to the ego. Wouldn't want that now would we." He said winking.

"Ha ha." I said sarcastically. "Oh yeah, Bo's coming down to the hospital to talk." I said now watching the sitcom.

"Who's Bo?" He asked his eyes narrowing at the tv a bit.

"Oh yeah. I forgot you haven't met him. I've been mad at him for these last few weeks because he ditched me at the coffee shop the day we met." I told hit. His eyes stayed narrowed at the TV as he nodded. Why is he glaring?Did I say something? Just then a thought popped into my head.

"He's my GBF." I told him. He turned looking in my direction with a curious look. Eyes partially narrowed still.

"GBF?" He questioned.

"Gay Best Friend, duh." His eyes widen with realization and went back down to a normal state.

"Jealous are we?" I joked.

"Pfhh, no. Just didn't know who he was is all." He said turning towards the TV again.

"Alright whatever you have to tell yourself." He rolled his eyes, but continued to watch the sitcom.

"Oh and by the way, if the nurses ask, I am your sister." I told him my attention not leaving the screen. He look at me with a confused expression.

"Why?" He asked.

"They won't let anyone in but family. I told them I was your sister and that our parents were on vacation in hawaii or somewhere like that."

"I didn't take you for the lier type, El." He said.

"It's not like I wasn't lying for a good cause." I told him.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He said putting his hand on his chest feigning awe. I was about to say something when the door knocked, then slowly opened.  I was expecting to see Bo there. But instead I saw a blonde girl, around my age, with a tight baby pink dress on.

"Chance!" she said in a high pitched squeal. Then rushed over to give him a hug, whilst narrowing her eyes toward me.

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