Chapter 14 (Edited)

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My phone began ringing and I instantly knew it was Dillon from his name and picture that popped up. My eyes widened. The look on Jack's face, that mischievous smirk, it's giving off red flags. He was thinking about answering it and I cannot let that happen, not if I can help it. I practically launched myself at Jack, tackling him to the ground. He attempted to keep the phone away from my grabbing hands. I had to pin him down to snatch my phone from his hands.

I cheered in my head over my victory but I celebrated too early because Jack flipped me over so that I was now on the floor with him straddling my waist and pinning me down. I twisted my wrists under his grip in an attempt to free myself but it was a bloody struggle doing so. I huffed in defeat. Jack smirked but it slowly dropped all of a sudden. I frowned when he used one hand to brush a loose strand of hair away from my face. My breath hitched while my cheeks heated up.

Why's he looking at me like that?

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Jack instantly scrambled off me as I crawled backwards until my back hit the bed, my eyes wide at Dillon standing in front of the doorway. How did he know I was here? I haven't told him yet. I was worried he wouldn't take it well and from what I can see now, it seems I'm proven right. I can already tell this isn't going to end well, not for Jack anyway. There was imaginary steam coming out of Dillon's ears as he scowled at Jack as if mentally killing him.

"Dillon it's not what it looks like," I said.

I quickly got up and stood in front of Dillon, using myself as a blockage so he couldn't get to Jack and practically commit murder. I know I was just moments ago condemning Jack but I will not let him start a fight in Lisa's house when she and my little sister are just downstairs. In general, I won't let him start a fight over jealousy. If they haven't heard us yet then they will soon.

"Are you sure? Because it looked like this dipshit was straddling my girlfriend?" Dill sneered. I took an unconscious step back. This is the first time he's lashed out this much. It's not something I'm used to nor should it be something to be used to.

"I promise you it was nothing, I was just trying to get my phone back, that's it," I tried to reassure him. He kept flaring his nostrils and cracking his fists as he clenched them tight.

"Calm down man, I was only teasing her, nothing serious," Jack defended himself. Of course he had to open his mouth and make it worse. Dillon took a step forward but I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him back, stopping him from advancing any further.

"Dillon, don't," I ordered sternly.

"You're dead Reece," Dillon growled.

"For what? For joking around? For having fun? I thought you trusted your girlfriend?" Jack retorted. I instantly looked down.

I'll admit, that last line got to me. I hope Dillon trusted me, I can't be sure he does. I want to believe he does or else two years of effort to prove that I'm faithful and trustworthy would all be for nothing. I know it was...a bad position he found us in but he should at least listen and let me explain instead of going off.

"Fuck you," Dillon spat as he barged past me, making me stumble back and almost fall.

I wasn't quick enough to stop him from raising his fist and swinging it at Jack across his face. I jumped back with a small gasp in surprise though I was expecting it. Jack fell back and hit his wardrobe, knocking his head. Dillon took this opportunity while he was down to go for another blow to the face with his fist.

"Dillon!" I yelled in protest when he raised his fist to go the hit, which could cause even worse damage than what's already done.

I ran over but halted when he spun to face me. I don't think I've felt...fear around Dillon, ever. It's a new side of him I haven't seen before. He's never gotten jealous around any other guy and we've hung around plenty with him around. I don't want to feel like I can't trust him or that I have to be careful around him, like I'm walking on eggshells or something.

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