Should I do the right thing or try to save myself? As we walked we passed Faye and she shot me a look/ Was I that transparent that she could see everything I was thinking? I sighed in defeat and decided to go with the flow. I don't like causing commotion and I get stressed out easily.

We entered a room and we placed in groups based on hair color and height. I wasn't about to argue when I was shoved to the side by an older looking man. "Stand there." He said with an annoyed tone. I stood next to a girl a little bit taller than me. 

She shot me a look of fear and I frowned and looked ahead of me. A woman came over and gave us each a tag to pin on our clothing. I looked at mine funny when I got it. There was a number on it. I made sure my necklace was hidden in my bra and then looked at the pin one more time.


I frowned in confusion. What were these things? I didn't feel like actually asking someone so I put it on. "They're your I.D numbers." The girl in front of me informed and I nodded in understanding. "Oh." I said quietly and looked past her a little bit to see what was going on. 

It didn't help that I was the shortest girl in the brunettes line, so I couldn't see over anyone. "Move it." The same guy from earlier said and the line started moving. I kept my gaze on shoulder blades of the girl in front of me.

We were lead into a narrow room or hall. We stopped once we reached the end of the room and I saw light coming from the door in front of us. I felt a lump in my throat as a crate was thrown to the floor and the top was pried open.

"Arms out, ladies." The guy said and all the girls held their arms out. I decided not to question what it was. I heard metal clanking shut and I knew what it was. Handcuffs. This is awful. What are we going to do, run out into the crowd of stronger and meaner men?

The man huffed as he slapped handcuffs around my wrists. He tightened them too tight and I winced. He glared at me and walked towards the front. The door opened and the first girl was pulled up. She screamed in surprise as he pulled her by the new cuffs on her wrist, earning her a slap in the face.

I tore my gaze away and felt for the girl. Even though they're upper class doesn't mean they're treated differently. They just get sold to richer and more powerful men. Which I mean was kind of worse, they we're arrogant, cocky, and soulless. 

The living conditions were better and I guess that's what Faye wanted for me. It felt like seconds, but it was more like hours until I was three girls until I was pulled up there. The girl in front of me shook in fear as the girl in front of her was yanked up into the auctioning room.

I started feeling my hands sweat as the girl in front of me was taken there. I sucked in a sharp breath and one of the guards laughed. "Good luck, darlin'." He winked at me then laughed harshly. I glared at him and the door opened.

Since it was so dark in the room I was just in the brightness of the auctioning room hurt my eyes. I squinted as the light hit my eyes and blinked a few times to get used to it. "Number 2445!" The man exclaimed through a microphone.

"Do I have any bidders?" He asked and I heard a few murmurs around the ground and a hand went up. "Fifteen thousand." He called out and my eyes widened. That was an outrageous amount of money. Another hand shot up. "Twenty thousand!"

I started getting dizzy and shook my head trying to brush it off. The room was too loud and too full of commotion and I experienced what I had yesterday. It was in slow motion. Hands shot up and the bids got up to fifty thousand.

That was more than my family had and these people were wasting that on me? Should I feel flattered or disgusted? "One hundred and fifty thousand." A man said and the room got silent. My eyes widened in shock as I searched the crowd for the man who said it.

"Any other bidders?" The auctioneer asked and no one said anything. The man who bidded stood up and came towards the stage. He looked in his twenties. He had blonde hair and was pretty short for a guy, but who am I to judge I'm extremely short. 

"Sold to Lord Harry." The man said and I looked over to the man who I assumed was Harry. That name didn't really fit him. "Come on." He said to me and dragged me away from the stage which I was thankful for.

"What's your name?" He asked me with a smile. Are these people supposed to be nice? "C-Crystal Wells." I said quietly. "I'm Niall." He said and I looked at him with a questioning look. "Lord Harry sent me to find him a girl slave." He explained and I nodded.

"I'll explain to you the rules and what you're going to be doing on the ride there." He told me and took something out of his pocket. He revealed a key, to which I assumed was to my handcuffs. "You don't seem like the type to run." He chuckled and unlocked the cuffs and they fell to the floor.

"Let's go." He said and guided me to a vehicle in the front of the building. It was a limo, which was shocking. The lower class slaves never would've been treated like this. Niall got in and sat across from me and stared at me.

"Okay, let's get down to business." He said and I nodded. "Lord Harry has a short temper and is very impatient so try not to get on his bad side. You only talk to him if he tells you to or he's asking you a question."

"You will one of the three girl slaves we have at the palace. You all have separate rooms and you are to be inside every night at 8pm on the dot. One second late and the doors automatically lock on you. The only reason you should be out at night is either if Lord Harry allows you to be, or a medical emergency."

"If you're caught outside, not only will you be locked out, but you will be punished. Some of the other guards decide your punishment. If you don't have a note from Lord Harry that you're allowed to be out at that time they will punish you without hesitating. So, be careful."

I nodded and let what he said sink in. "The two other girls there are Annette and Sasha. Annette is the cook there and Sasha cleans the rooms in the palace. You will be in charge of the palace pets, laundry duty, and whatever Lord Harry asks you to do." He grimaced as he said that and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I have a feeling Lord Harry doesn't want foot rubs and room service from me. "Like I said, don't get on his bad side." He said again and I nodded in understanding. "You'll be above all of our male slaves, Lord Harry is one of the more compassionate slave owners. He's not there to hurt you, nor is he there to be bossed around by you."

"You be obedient to him, he won't inflict any kind of punishment on you." He said and I nodded once again. "Anything that I've forgotten to tell you will be told to you by Lord Harry himself once we get to the palace."

I didn't respond this time I just looked at Niall then out the tinted window of the limousine. "Oh, and address him by either Lord Harry or sir or master. Never call him Harry or he might just kill you." I thought he was joking at first, but then I saw the look on his face and I knew he wasn't.

I took a deep breath and wiped my sweaty hands on my dress. "Sorry, that's a lot to take in." He laughed and I nodded. "Yeah." I breathed out with widened eyes. "N-Niall, can I a-ask you something?" I mumbled and he nodded.

"W-What are you to Lord Harry? Like, are you a slave or brother or..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say. "I'm his cousin." He chuckled and I nodded. "Oh, okay." I said quietly and looked back out the window and saw the palace coming into view.

Of course I knew who Lord Harry was. He was just a step down from the King and Queen. Lord Harry controls all the lower class homes, like mine. Or my old one. My thoughts traveled back to Greg and mom. I would never see them again.

I blinked back my tears and looked over at Niall to see him already looking at me. "Is he nice?" I asked and he bit his lip. "Just don't get on his bad side." He said for the hundredth time. A few minutes went by and the limo came to a halt. "We're here."



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