I'm sorry...

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"Look Wally I'm sorry. I really am--"

Wally shoved Dick backwards, making his back slam into the wall of the Watch Tower.

"You're sorry?! Dammit Wing, so many people almost died and you're sorry?! Kaldur got his brain fried, Artemis could've died countless times, I nearly just died, and so many others risked their lives for your stupid plan! Hell, the Mountain even blew up! People lost their homes!"

The rest of the Young Justice team was silent. Whether or not they agreed with what the speedster was saying, they couldn't seem to find their voices.

Not even Barbara or Tim...

"Wally I--"

Wally took a menacing step forward, his eyes were practically blazing with fury.

"No, I've had enough of your excuses! Everyone would be better off without you here!"

Nightwing swallowed.


"Or at least I would be... you don't even deserve to be my friend anymore in fact I... I hate you Dick!"

Everyone in the Tower gasped. Of all the things Wally's mouth was capable of saying... no one thought it would ever be that.

Nightwing was suddenly grateful for his mask, so no one could see his eyes well up with tears.

Quietly Nightwing got up and calmly brushed himself off then headed to a Zeta tube.

"Fine then. Thanks to Wally's clarification, it would seem best if I am no longer around anymore..."

Maybe in more ways then one...

Dick turned around to face his old team.

Surprisingly the only face that showed anger was Wally. The other's were shock, fear, and sadness.

"This will probably be the last time any of you see me... so let me just say I am so sorry. To all of you..."

He turned to the two other Bats.

"Tim and Barbara... tell Batman what I have said... I don't think I can face him one last time. And make sure he finds someone worthy to take my place... preferably someone stronger than me."

Both Bats had tears in their eyes. Tim took a step forward.


But Nightwing turned to Wally.

"I'm sorry I failed you as a friend. And as a brother. Please, even if its years from now, find it in your heart to forgive me."

Something changed in Wally's eyes. The anger turned into shock. As if he finally processed what Nightwing was saying.

"Dick... what are you saying?"

The fallen bird gave them all a sad smile.

"I'm saying my good-byes."

And with that he turned back to the Zeta tube.

"Recognized: Nightwing B-01"

Then there was silence and guilt hung in the heavy in the air.

Then the gentle whispers started.

"What have we done?"

"He was only trying to save the world..."

"He had a good reason for all the secrets!"

And then started the sobs.

The first came from Tim.

Then Barbara.

Then Gar.

Then M'gann.

Then Artemis.

Until every teen and young adult was showing their grief and/or guilt in one form or another.

And then there was Wally.

He was the silent one. The one who stared at the Zeta tube long after Dick had left. Long after the remaining Bats left to try to find their 'brother' and long after the others had left to find something to do... to take their minds off their gnawing guilt.

He stood for what seemed like hours. Until Artemis came up to him.

Her quite yet stern voice interrupted the heavy silence.

"Did you really mean those things you said to him?"

A choked sound came from the redhead's throat and a few silent tears fell from his eyes.

"Of course not! But I was just so angry at everything that happened and I... I needed someone to blame. But I didn't mean what I said to him... I could never mean that. He's like my baby brother..."

Artemis turned his face toward her.

"Babe, you need to tell him that then. Let him know he didn't lose a friend or a brother."

"But how do I--"

His voice was interrupted by a call coming through.

Everyone quickly gathered into the room at the sound of the call alarm.

And Tim popped up. In what looked like a hospital...


Tim looked as if he would cry at any moment.

And what he said next made the speedster want to take everything back.

"Nightwing is in the hospital in Gotham. He's... in a coma... he might not make it... you better get over here..."

To be continued...

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