The Indomitable One's Battle

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There is only one species in the entirety of The Odaix.... that can destroy all beings. The Odaix and his Hellfire Legion full of Slasrecs, malevolent creatures that are doomed to roam the Terrain of Hell for eternity, are prophesized to unmake The Realm. Castor, the only Odaix born, was born of Hellfire, shadows, and pure night, and that is where everything began.

Xenos flew over the skies with such vigor that it could have scared the other creatures that had been blessed with flight. Instead, they had all disappeared due to the war he was fighting in. Xenos, a full blooded griffin, watched as the light shined on his beautiful golden wings.

"NOW!" he screeched, his sharp metallic talons extended, reaching for the Slasrecs around Castor.

Delano used his fully equipped vampiric ability to hear Xenos from above and to speed up to catch up with the other fullbloods. His onyx colored hair and his near black eyes contrasted his pale skin. Growling in frustration, Delano shifted into his glorious moonstone colored bat to spread the word to Seritai.

Looking up at Delano, Seritai knew what had to be done as soon as she seen him. Her hands and eyes glowed a bright tanzanite blue due to her full Djinn powers coming into play. Power radiated from her like a sudden detonation and this caused every Slasrec for miles around to collapse into deep hellish nightmares.

Bynnanta, the DragonLord, seen Seritai's signal and that allowed her to shift into her true dragon form. Her silver colored skin and diamond scales made her nearly blinding in the sunlight.

Castor, tall and dark with long black robes, stood almost as tall as a tree in his true form. He tried to hold onto to the Reaper, his horn shaped stave, but Castor shielded his eyes from Byannanta's radiant scales and that caused him to drop his guard and Reaper. Bynnanta sensed the slight drop in defense and draped him in the pure white-hot flame of light.

Forsassen quickly gazed over the horizon, looking at all of his dead brethren. He shrilled and howled in anger and resentment using his True Basilisk's voice, killing all the other hidden Slasrecs. His ruby scales shivered, making him look like a cascade of blood. He knew the plan to get to the Odaix demon. He waited for Bynnanta to slack off with her fire and Forsassen slithered his long scaled body around Castor.

"I'm not about making anyone ssssssuffer more than they have toooo, but, We....." Forsassen looked at the other fullbloods and then back to Castor, "...Will have great enjoyment in knowing that we defeated the Unmaker of Realms."

Hacking and chuckling up blood from Forsassen's constrictors grip, "We shall see.... We shall see......"

Forsassen looked at Bynnanta, Xenos, Seritai, and Delano and they each gave each other a nod of agreement. Forsassen looked at Castor with his fangs extended. His eyes went into full basilisk mode and it slowly turned the weakened Castor into red dust, and that dust was spread by a light breeze, into the horizon. The Reaper, which had been laying in the blood-stained grass, lost all of its' magic and shimmered out of existence. Once Castor's essence was fully gone, the Slasrecs faded into dust, returning to the Terrain of Hell once more.

The Gathering of the Full BloodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora