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Eyes cold like ice but blazing like a fire. Something about it felt comforting but it also made you freeze up in fear. Seeming so mean but really just protective. It intrigued you. He was always so cold towards you, yet you didn't mind that at all. Was this the way it would always be between you and the ultimate life form known as Shadow the hedgehog? A part of you didn't care if it did.

Blinking back to reality, you glanced over at a picture of Shadow the Hedgehog on the wall. Living in the Space Colony Ark with your grandfather and sister Maria did get lonely a lot, but you'd remind yourself that you weren't alone. There were always several scientists to talk to, but they never really understood. Shadow always was either staring out a window to look down at the planet or was with Maria. He didn't seem to notice you much. You didn't expect him to. He was going to save Maria. Not you.

You spent a lot of time in your room while on the Ark. If there was one thing you hated, however, it was the silence. In your mind, the silence was just another thing to remind you that your sister Maria was the only reason anyone was there. Who cared at all about you? It wasn't like you had a life-threatening illness that needed to be cured. Maria was here being quarantined because apparently, that was her case. She didn't have any symptoms and you didn't get her disease for some reason when around her. There were many mysteries that dwelled there on the Ark. For some reason, you thought they might all tie into Shadow somehow.

Knock knock...

"Huh? A visitor?! That almost never happens!" your voice chirped happily for the distraction. Your sister Maria opened the door. Shadow stood behind her looking as he always did.

"(Y/N)! Goodness, it's been a long time, hasn't it?" your sister asked. Her golden hair shimmered in the dim light of your room and her blue eyes danced brilliantly despite how vulgar the room looked. She always gave people life where she went. This was ironic because she gave people life and was almost doomed to die by an illness.

"Yeah, it has!" you said embracing her tightly. "I get lonely stuck in here when you're out with grandpa to do your tests and check-ups. I spend most of my time drawing and singing to myself in here... With all this time on my hands, I've come up with some new games we can play together!" You glanced over at Shadow who was standing behind Maria. "Don't suppose Shadow would mind playing the handsome prince now, would he?" you asked.

Maria giggled at the thought. "He'd make a very manly prince!"

Shadow hardly acknowledged your suggestion. Maria turned and knelt down to his level warmly. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Besides, I'd be surprised if you admitted you'd rather sit in a quiet doctor's office for hours on end than to play a small game with us...," she told him with a sad glimmer in her blue eyes at the thought of going back for more tests.

Shadow's red, lashing eyes seemed to break for a moment at her suggestion. He heaved a sigh. "Fine... Not like you're giving me much choice."

You liked it when Shadow agreed to participate in one of your games. The games you came up with were more roleplay a lot of times rather than games. You'd assign everyone a role and then it'd continue on from there. Today, it was a story about a hero, a princess, and an evil witch. Because you knew Shadow was Maria's companion, you'd usually set them together in your roleplays. That usually left one role, the villain. You'd almost always make yourself the villain of your stories. Nothing pleased you more than to see how they'd work together to defeat you. Sure enough, they'd beat you again and again. The dynamic duo never lost to you. This time was no exception.

"Mwah ha ha! You'll never get the antidote to revive your precious princess, Prince Shadow! I shall take her power and become the ruler of this universe and you'll be forced to bow under my scepter!" you shouted.

Supposed To Be Me (Shadow x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now